Hair salon announces 'quiet chair' for clients who don't want to talk to stylist

If you've ever struggled to keep up conversation with your hair stylist, or wished you could simply tune out and read a book, get excited.


If you've ever struggled to keep up conversation with your hair stylist, or wished you could simply tune out and read a book, get excited.

A UK salon introduced what they're calling the "quiet chair," and the news has people across the world talking about the etiquette of chit-chat during your blowout.

The "quiet chair" at Bauhaus salons in Wales isn't an actual chair, per say, but rather the option for customers to opt out of conversation during their appointment.

So, any chair can be quiet, owner Scott Miller told

"We decided to take the awkwardness out of small talk for clients if they didn't really want to sit around and talk about their holidays or what they're buying their husbands for Christmas," he said.

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"It's similar to going for a spa treatment. You don't really sit and have a conversation with your spa therapist, you're just totally relaxed."

Miller said he had no idea people would be so excited about his salon's announcement, but it turns out that some customers have long been bothered by what can feel like forced small talk.

As Aliya Brown of New York said, "I'd rather just have my hair done quietly and go about my business."

But still, most women told they don't mind chatting up their stylist — for some, the salon is still a place where they catch up on their neighborhood gossip.

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Plus, shooting the breeze can be more enjoyable than staring at yourself in the mirror for an hour, said Meg Stagaard, a publicist in New York.

"If you have a pleasant stylist that you enjoy talking to, it makes the appointment overall much more enjoyable — and it's also less painful when you get a bill at the end!" she told

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Patrice Lee of Washington, D.C., added that talking to a stylist is the best way to ensure you’ll get a good service, and even allows her to be “a little fussy” if necessary.

“If I’ve made small talk, the stylist is more open to my requests along the way than if I plopped down in a chair and didn’t try to build a relationship,” she told

And stylists say they can usually tell when a customer doesn't want to talk.

"I'd rather just have my hair done quietly and go about my business," salon customer Aliya Brown tells TODAY.Karashaev / Shutterstock

"If someone is hammering away at their phone and their head is down, or if they're flipping through a magazine and not making eye contact, I can tell. They're busy, they don't want to talk," Laurie Daniel, a colorist at the Eva Scrivo Salon in New York, told

Customers have ways to hint that they'd like some peace and quiet, without having to exactly say it, she said.

"I've had clients say, 'It's so nice to be here, if you don't mind, I'm going to close my eyes for a while.' And that's the cue. It's the job of the stylist to be tuned into that, because there are a lot of unspoken cues."

Most stylists won't be offended if customers don't want to talk, but do they stress that there are benefits to opening up to your stylist that go beyond hair.

It's a cliché that clients consider their hairdressers amateur therapists, but it's not far from the truth.

"Small talk can lead to much deeper and meaningful conversations that are not necessarily safe to have with people who are close to them, in their day-to-day lives," said Jo Blackwell-Preston, founder and master stylist at Dop Dop Salon in New York City.

"I have several clients that I've served for well over 20 years consistently, and I know more about them than their loved ones. Hairdressers are known for creating a safe place to share and speak about everything."