14 reasons you should totally (not) judge moms

Breathing. Basically, you will be judged for breathing. But there's hope!


As a mom, we all know, you get judged for what you wear and eat while pregnant, how you give birth, what you name your child, how you feed them, how you dress them, how many children you have, how you discipline them in public, how you dress yourself ... and so on through where your kids go to college and presumably, what they wear to your funeral.

Breathing. Basically, you will be judged for breathing.

But there's hope! The TODAY Parenting Team recently hosted a breakfast and panel discussion (sponsored by Similac's Sisterhood of Motherhood) dedicated to the goal of ending mom judging.

First step: Understand the problem. We asked moms what they've felt judged for. Here are some of the responses. Can you relate? Weigh in on our TODAY Parenting Team.

Anna Luther, MyLifeandKids.comMike Coppola / TODAY
Sheinelle Jones, TODAY anchorMike Coppola / TODAY
Gina Pomponio, Mommyposh.comMike Coppola / TODAY
Chrissy Khachane, Strongtots.comMike Coppola / TODAY
Ilana Wiles, mommyshorts.comMike Coppola / TODAY
Rebecca Dube, TODAY Parenting Team editorMike Coppola / TODAY
Janine Huldie, janinehuldie.comMike Coppola / TODAY
Jennifer Swartvagher, beyondthecrib.comMike Coppola / TODAY
Julia Maide, nextlifenokids.comMike Coppola / TODAY
Kathy Radigan, mydishwasherspossessed.comMike Coppola / TODAY
Katie Reed, amotherthing.comMike Coppola / TODAY
Noelle Kirchner, noellekirchner.comMike Coppola / TODAY
Sarah Marturano, musthavemom.comMike Coppola / TODAY
Dr. Shefali TsabaryMike Coppola / TODAY