Riley Curry steals the show during Stephen Curry's 'Jimmy Kimmel Live!' interview

Kimmel greeted Riley in the audience, drawing loud cheers and applause from the crowd, which then elicited a precious smile from the popular toddler.


Stephen Curry's adorable daughter Riley charmed viewers at multiple NBA press conferences in May, and the 3-year-old stole the spotlight once again during her dad's appearance on "Jimmy Kimmel Live!" Tuesday night.

Kimmel greeted Riley in the audience, drawing loud cheers and applause from the crowd, which then elicited a precious smile from the popular toddler.

The late-night host noted that Riley was "the star of the post-game press conferences," to which Curry replied, "It was my first time bringing her up there. So it was a cool platform to show your daughter what you do for a living and enjoy a win, and she took it by storm.”

Riley, who recently became a big sister to Stephen and wife Ayesha's newborn daughter Ryan, then offered another sweet smile and eagerly waved to the camera.

MORE: Riley Curry celebrates 3rd birthday with some adorable dance moves

We only wish Riley showed off her impressive dance moves, which she recently displayed in a birthday video set to Silentó's hit, "Watch Me (Whip/Nae Nae)."