Jenna Bush Hager on daughter Mila's 'regression' toward arrival of baby sister

Jenna Bush Hager describes how her 2-year-old daughter, Mila, has been reacting lately to the upcoming arrival of a new baby sister.


Jenna Bush Hager, on the verge of having her second child, says she and her husband can’t wait for the arrival of the newborn. But she admits their 2-year-old daughter, Mila, probably could stand for a delay in the baby's arrival.

“Mila is really excited but she’s kind of taken a regression,” Jenna said Tuesday on TODAY.

Mila has resorted to a simple stock answer when asked if she is ready to share things with her new sister. Over the weekend, during a bath with her dad, Mila gave him a resounding “No!” when asked if she was ready to share her bathtub. She also scrunched up her face into a look Jenna couldn’t help but adore.

“It’s so cute, it’s like a little warthog. ‘No!’” she said. “And then I said, ‘So now, Mila, you’re going to have to share Daddy with Baby Sissy.’”

The toddler’s reaction? “MY Daddy!”

Thankfully, Mila's grandmother, former first lady Laura Bush, has been trying to prepare the toddler for the family addition by showing her photos of Jenna and her twin sister, Barbara.

"She sent a baby picture of Barbara and me where I’m, like, strangling Barbara of pure love," Jenna explained. "And she was like, ‘This is Auntie Barbara and Mommy, and look how much Auntie Barbara and Mommy loved each other.’”

Jenna Bush Hager

Toddler tantrums aside, Jenna said she's ready to add on to her family.

“I think it’s going to be great."