Awww! Watch baby pit bull cuddle with her 'dad'

Sometimes all you need is a good snuggle-fest to make your day better. That's exactly what this baby pit bull did with her own "dad."


Sometimes all you need is a good snuggle fest to make your day better.

That's exactly what the baby pit bull Penny did with her foster dad Kilo in this adorable old Instagram video which is getting new viral pickup thanks to its posting on Reddit.

The caption adds to the adorable factor. It reads, "There is no making this stuff up! Full belly of milk, curled up with 'dad.'"

We don't know what makes us melt more, how Penny rubs her little snout against her dad or that she's wearing PJs!!!

Lucky for us, Candice, the dogs' proud owner, has tons more sweet pics and videos on her Instagram, page RoofusandKilo, including ones that involves a bunny costume, rolling around in socks, duckling PJs, a tutu and our favorite — a bikini.

Be prepared to waste your entire day checking them out and saying "aww" — it's what we did.