Ryan Reynolds 'fesses up to baby-carrier fail: 'That is not the first mistake I've made'

Ryan Reynolds told TODAY that his baby-carrier failure on Father's Day was just part of his learning process as a dad.


Breaking news, Ryan Reynolds fans: Despite everything you may think you already know about the star of "Self/Less," he is not perfect.

Suspicions had been raised on Father's Day. Reynolds, who until recently had a stellar record of looking adorable in flashback photos, standing up for gender-neutral baby names and hilarious tweets, stumbled a bit when a picture of him carrying sweet baby James (mom is Blake Lively) generated criticism that he was Doing It Wrong.

Yep, he admitted on TODAY Tuesday. "The baby's not properly secured in the vessel that I'm wearing there," he told Matt Lauer. "I'm a first-time dad, and that is not the first mistake I've made. I can guarantee you it won't be last."

As he noted, it was part of his learning curve. "I'd never used that particular carrier before. Every other time has been perfect."

Indeed, we have become accustomed to ideally coiffed and styled images of our favorite celebrities, but in this instance we may have overlooked the ways in which they're just like us.

Reynolds has learned. And if you need suggestions on how to best to "wear" your baby, check out these important tips.

"Self/Less" opens in theaters on July 10.

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