Ryan Reynolds is all of us watching Stanley Tucci make pasta: 'You are a SNACK'

Just like the rest of us, Ryan Reynolds enjoys watching Stanley Tucci whip up pasta at 11 p.m.

Ryan Reynolds couldn't help but admire the late-night pasta-making antics of Stanley Tucci.stanleytucci / Instagram, Reuters

Stanley Tucci is having a moment, and that moment not only involves food — but also Ryan Reynolds.

Tucci, who has a new memoir out, "Taste: My Life Through Food," has been posting how-to food and drink related videos on his Instagram for a while now, recently shared a new video that got the "Free Guy" star's attention.

It's a short, simple video in which Tucci, 60, is shown stirring marinara sauce into a pan filled with spiral pasta. The caption reads, "11pm marinara and left over pasta. As promised."

And it generated several comments, including a particularly tasty one from Reynolds himself: "Dear god, you are a SNACK."

To which Tucci, who appeared with Reynolds in 1997's "The Alarmist," wrote, "you're pretty yummy yourself."

That's amore!

Though Reynolds and Tucci have appeared together on film, there's a good chance it was Reynolds' wife Blake Lively who got her husband into Tucci's cooking. In late September, she suggested in an Instagram Story that Tucci was the inspiration for her trying to make fried pizza dough.

Food is of particular importance to Tucci, who created a six-part TV series that ran during 2020's lockdown, "Stanley Tucci: Searching for Italy." It's clear that it's central to his enjoyment of life, as he notes in "Taste."

And taste — his own — was a sense he risked losing during his recent battle with cancer. In a recent interview with The New York Times, he noted that post-surgery to remove a tumor on the base of his tongue, he lost his appetite, with everything he tried tasting like wet cardboard "slathered with someone's excrement."

While he was recovering from the surgery and learning to taste and eat again, he shot the "Searching" show, but couldn't always swallow.

"I mean, if you can’t eat and enjoy food, how are you going to enjoy everything else?" he said in the interview.

Fortunately, that seems to have passed — and he's back in the kitchen, whipping up snacks to delight his fans. And that includes director Paul Feig, who left a cheery comment in the late-night pasta video about Tucci's appearance discussing "Taste" at the London Palladium recently.

"You were spectacular at the Palladium last night!!!" Feig enthused.

Tucci left him a heart emoji, perhaps because "spectacular" is nice, but being called a "snack" is even better.
