I want to brag about my promotion. Is that tone deaf to do right now?

I am really lucky to have had this job through the pandemic and luckier to know that my work has been recognized and rewarded. But can I share it?

My issue is this: I want to post about it on social media!TODAY illustration / Getty Images

Caroline Moss is an author and host of the podcast "Gee Thanks, Just Bought It," which helps people find the products they need to make life easier, better and more productive. Now with this column, "Asking for a Friend," she's helping people with the advice they need to make life easier, better and more productive. To submit a question, email us at tmrwadvice@nbcuni.com.

Hi Caroline,

I recently got a promotion that’s really big and exciting for me. I am really looking forward to my new job and what that will mean for my career and income. I am really lucky to have had this job through the pandemic and luckier to know that my work has been recognized and rewarded.

My issue is this: I want to post about it on social media! I want to brag about it (lol) because I am excited and I want other people to be excited for me. Is that rude to do right now, during a time where so many people are out of jobs and work is hard to find?


Bashful Boaster

Hello Bashful,

Well, first of all, congratulations! That’s really exciting! I am sure you must feel happy and relieved that you have made it through the last year not only with a job, but with a promotion and an increase in income. You are right; not many people can say the same.

Part of me wants to tell you to post whatever you want on social media. It’s your space to celebrate and share in whichever way you choose. Lord knows how many new babies, weddings, engagements, new houses, etc. we’ve all seen on Instagram. I imagine that part of you wants to share this big news because it feels on par with the big life milestones found all over social media. You’re right! Jobs are just as important to celebrate as weddings and babies. It is worth the celebration.

Another part of me wants to dig deeper on why you chose to reach out with this question. For the most part, the things I have chosen to share and celebrate on social media have never given me pause. But you are clearly experiencing some hesitation, and you recognize that it may not feel tonally appropriate to share your happy news at this moment in time. I can tell you are an empathetic and compassionate person because of this, and I think it’s very sweet that you are considering how to “read the room,” so to speak.

The other side of the coin is that people are looking for happy things to celebrate right now. If you have a good support system in place, I am sure the important people in your life will be very happy for you. If you’re posting it because you want Ashley F. from second grade to know you’re thriving, maybe you're not posting “for the right reasons.”

That leads me to my point: If you're second guessing yourself about posting, then maybe don't post it. It doesn’t make the celebration less worthy if you choose not to share the news with your entire Facebook feed. You say you want people to be excited for you. I am positive you have a friend or family group chat that would love to hear this news and congratulate you personally and heartily. That way you won't feel like you are potentially sharing something that can be skewed as tone deaf at this particular moment in time.

Congratulations again on the job — you’re going to do great!


Have a question for Caroline? Email us at tmrwadvice@nbcuni.com.