Glenn Close reacts to 'Hillbilly Elegy' role receiving both Oscar and Razzie noms

Close received the Oscar nomination just days after her Razzie nomination was announced.


It's an exciting day for Glenn Close!

The 73-year-old actor just scored an Oscar nomination for actress in a supporting role for her Netflix film "Hillbilly Elegy," and she called in to the 3rd hour of TODAY to share her reaction.

The film has certainly gotten a lot of buzz since its release last fall and it has resonated with many viewers. However, reviews have been mixed and last week the 2021 Razzie Awards committee announced that Close was a nominee for its worst supporting actress award.

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Close received both an Oscar nomination and a Razzie nomination for her role as Mamaw in "Hillbilly Elegy."

Close is taking it all in stride and has a good sense of humor about receiving Razzie and Oscar nominations in the span of a few days.

"I'm so thrilled because to get a Razzie and an Oscar nomination in the same year, it's pretty cool. To still be in the room, to still have my work recognized by my peers, it's thrilling to me," she said.

When 3rd hour of TODAY co-host Craig Melvin asked the star why she thinks "Hillbilly Elegy" resonated with so many people, she had a pretty insightful response.

"It's a very true story and it's about a family dealing with cycles of poverty, abuse (and) addiction, which certainly is something that thousands of people in this country deal with," she said. "To play a matriarch, a woman who had a rough past herself and knew her grandson needed the support so he could break those cycles for himself, I think that is what resonated with people."

Close noted that one person can make a difference in someone's life and change its trajectory.

"Mamaw (Close's character in the film) was somebody like that and there are a lot of Mamaws in this world of many colors. A lot of times, it's the grandmothers across the world that keep their families together," she said.

This is Close's eighth Oscar nomination, and she took a moment to look back on what her first nomination felt like back in the '80s.

"It was so far out of my realm of possibility, I remember being astounded," she recalled.
