Libby's just made a big change to its classic pumpkin pie recipe

The go-to dessert recipe for many Thanksgiving parties has been updated for the first time in decades.


We love a good, old-fashioned pumpkin pie as much as any Thanksgiving enthusiast, but there's something extra exciting about Libby's launching a new recipe. That's because America's largest supplier of canned pumpkin hasn't updated this classic dessert in nearly 70 years — until now.

Anyone who's helped prepare a Thanksgiving dinner can probably recall perusing a can of Libby's Pumpkin and taking note of the pie recipe on the back. The company first created Libby's Famous Pumpkin Pie recipe in 1950 and it's been printed on the canned squash ever since to make it easy for any home cook to quickly whip up dessert.

This fall, however, Libby's made a change to its recipe. World, meet Libby's New Fashioned Pumpkin Pie.

Libby's launched the first update to its Famous Pumpkin Pie recipe in nearly 70 years.Libby's

So is the new pie really that different?

According to a spokesperson for Libby's, the new recipe is a little spicier and has a creamier texture, which results from the addition a can of Nestlé's Carnation brand Sweetened Condensed Milk (that's in addition to the can of evaporated milk the original recipe already calls for). Both Carnation and Libby's are owned by Nestlé, so we're picking up on a not-so-subtle effort to boost sales for condensed milk around the holidays.

The New Fashioned pie also has an extra 1/4 teaspoon of ground cloves (the ground ginger and cinnamon measurements remain the same). The new recipe also axes the extra sugar, which is likely why it has a spicier taste. Both pies require 15 minutes of prep time, but the updated version shaves 15 minutes off the cook time, so if you're in a rush come Thursday morning, the new recipe might be your best bet.

Also new this year? Libby's added a swap option to the original recipe to make an equally delicious vegan dessert.

If you're partial to tradition, don't worry. The classic recipe isn't going anywhere.

Libby's confirmed to TODAY that the Libby's label will now be printed with both recipes. If you happen to pick up some canned pumpkin and only see one recipe, chances are it might be old, so check out that expiration date, too.

When it comes to pumpkin pie, we definitely think more is more.