Shape up your butt (and shake up your routine) with these 3 simple moves

One-legged moves add a whole different dimension to your workouts.


Nearly all lower-body exercises are done on two feet. Squats, lunges and even jumping jacks start on both feet. One-legged moves add a whole different dimension to your workouts.

They not only target a commonly-neglected muscle (your gluteus medius) responsible for helping shape your rear view, but balancing on one leg at a time also helps strengthen and tone your core. And a strong core is the key to a healthy and functioning body.

Not to mention, these moves are also fun and challenging to do!

Try them after a good warm-up as part of your leg workout. Strive for 25 reps each leg.

1. One-legged butt raises — great for your glutes and lower back

Jenna Wolfe demonstrates the one-legged butt raise.Samantha Okazaki / TODAY

How to do it: With your knees bent and both feet on the ground, start with 100 hip raises. Then, alternate raising one leg at a time to work your butt and lower back: Do 25 reps on the left, then 25 on the right, and then another 100 hip raises. Squeeze your glutes as hard as you can and cross your arms over your chest while you do these reps (you can grab the straps of your sports bra to keep your hands in place!).

2. One-legged bent T pulse

Jenna Wolfe demonstrates the one-legged T pulse.Samantha Okazaki / TODAY

How to do it: Stand on one leg, lifting your other leg behind you at a 90-degree angle. Pulse it in the air 25 times. Alternate legs.

3. One-legged squat- especially great for runners.

Jenna Wolfe demonstrates the one-legged squatSamantha Okazaki / TODAY

How to do it: Stand on one leg with your knee bent at a 90-degree angle. Keeping your leg raised, bend down and touch the ground in front of you with both hands, then stand back up. Do 25 reps on each side.

Mix these moves up and challenge yourself!