Hilaria Baldwin shares 1 simple stretch to reduce stress

Hilaria Baldwin demonstrates one easy stretch that can help you reduce stress and open your heart, no matter how busy your life is.


It's easy for stress to build up during the day and it's hard to let go of that stress. Luckily, Hilaria Baldwin's simple tip might be able to help with that.

"Not only is it going to open your heart and potentially allow for more love in your life, but it also just feels really good and is amazing for de-stressing at the end of the day," she said, before explaining the simple yet effective stretch.

First, make sure you're in the right position. Baldwin recommends folding a towel a few times, then "rolling it like a log" and bringing it to the base of your tailbone before lying down on it. Your head should be on the towel (or, if you're taller, even with it).

Lay your hands on the floor, palms facing upwards. There's no specific instructions on how to have your legs and feet — Baldwin explained that if you put your feet together with knees open, that can make a nice stretch, but whatever is going to allow you to relax will work.

The next step is to just open up and relax.

"Allow your shoulders to just open," Baldwin said. "Allow your chest, your heart, to open up... Breathe, focus, inhale, exhale, try to release any tension from the body and allow your heart to open."

Hilaria Baldwin will be partnering with One Small Thing to share her simple advice to help you improve your life, one tiny change at a time. Sign up for our One Small Thing newsletter to get her monthly tips.