This exasperated dad found a way to get his daughter moving at the airport

This dad had to get creative when his daughter refused to budge at the airport.


Sometimes getting a stubborn child to budge in an airport requires a little creativity.

This exasperated dad came up with a simple parenting hack to get his daughter moving on New Year's Day when he pulled her by her hoodie across the smooth floor at Washington's Dulles International Airport - and she seemed perfectly fine with the arrangement.

"The child's just hanging out, and dad's doing the heavy lifting there,'' Carson Daly said on TODAY Monday. "It's a win-win. It's easy for the kid, it's easy for dad, and he's cleaning the airport. It's like a Swiffer."

The unidentified person who shot the video clip noted in the YouTube description that the girl wasn't screaming or upset. She was just along for the ride.

"It is funny how neither one is freaking out,'' Savannah Guthrie said. "It's like they're doing a rolling bag or something."

Another girl, presumably her sister, was walking about 20 feet behind, most likely embarrassed by her family's antics.

Dad can deal with her later. Right now he's just trying to get everyone out of the airport by any means necessary. We can relate.