Jimmy Kimmel's Halloween candy challenge is back but kids are onto him

Jimmy Kimmel's annual Halloween prank of having parents tell their kids they ate all their Halloween candy came with some surprise reactions this year.


The kids are starting to wise up to Jimmy Kimmel's Halloween shenanigans.

The late night host pulled his annual holiday prank of having parents capture the reactions of their children after telling them they ate all of their Halloween candy, but this year there was a twist at the end.

While there were the usual hilarious reactions of screaming, crying and disappointment, there also were a few shrewd kids who were wise to the game.

This is the eighth year that Kimmel has pulled the prank, and word must be reaching the world of little kids.

"Oh no, this is fake I know this,'' one kid replied to his parents. "You have showed us the videos!"

"Jimmy Kimmel, do you know how many years you're gonna get away with this?" another smart trick-or-treater said.

Another set of parents flat-out told their kids about Kimmel's prank.

"He's an idiot,'' one replied.

Of course, there were plenty of other kids who didn't quite figure it out.

"You can get sick, and you can poop all over the floor!" one kid warned his parents.

"I'm so disappointed at you,'' another little girl sternly replied.

"Well, not any more,'' one boy answered when his parents asked if he still loved them. "Go to your room because you ate my candy."

Then there were those children for whom even stealing Halloween candy isn't enough to get them down.

"I'm not mad at all,'' one girl said. "I'll never be mad at you. You're my mom."