Mardi Gras meals: Seafood muffaletta dip and crawfish étouffée

Celebrate Mardis Gras with cheesy seafood muffaletta dip and a one-pot crawfish étouffée.


Sam and Cody Carroll of Sac-a-Lait restaurant in New Orleans, Louisiana are stopping by the TODAY kitchen to share festive recipes for Mardi Gras. They show us how to make a cheesy seafood dip with the zesty flavors of a classic muffaletta sandwich and a spicy étouffée with fresh crawfish.

This is a recipe that we love to make at all our gatherings. It showcases the crawfish and shrimp in a different and interesting way. It is also my favorite recipe to bring to any tailgating event or Mardi Gras parade. Most people serve this dish hot, but even at room temperature, it is still amazing!

Crawfish Étouffée

This comforting dish is perfect to serve at all kinds of parties and gatherings, especially during Mardi Gras!

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