'Bachelorette' star Jillian Harris shows off post-baby belly in new swimsuit pic

Jillian Harris is sharing with TODAY why she loves her post-baby body exactly the way it is.


We've always loved how much former "Bachelorette" star Jillian Harris keeps it real. After all, her postpartum photo captured the stripped down moments of early motherhood.

Now that her adorable son Leo is almost 1, she's sharing with TODAY why she loves her post-baby body exactly the way it is.

Jillian Harris and her son, Leo, enjoy some time in the pool.Shay Merritt

"Pre-baby, I always strived to have a tight, firm belly. I haven't really cared so much about that since Leo's arrival," Harris told TODAY via email. While scrolling through photos of her and her son playing in their backyard pool, she stopped at one that showed her midsection. "That photo in particular made my heart tender and happy with the body I have now."

Since welcoming her son Leo with fiance Justin Pasutto, Harris gained a new level self-love. Something that might bothered her before baby Leo is now one of her favorite aspects of her body.

"The old me would be searching for the [pictures] I looked the best and skinniest in," Harris said. "But for some reason, I came across this one ... and my heart kind of did a somersault in a good way."

The reality star acknowledged she might not stay this way forever, but she's enjoying being comfortable just the way she is.

"Even though I still want to get that old tummy back one day, I'm happy with this one for now!"

We love it too!