Would you wash your hair with soda? KLG and Hoda test out Suki Waterhouse's hair trick

Suki Waterhouse, the British supermodel and "Insurgent" actress spilled her sugar-sweet secret recently: washing her hair with soda.


Suki Waterhouse, the British supermodel, "Insurgent" actress and former Bradley Cooper flame, certainly knows a thing or two about looking camera-ready. In an interview with Us Weekly, she spilled her sugar-sweet secret: washing her hair with soda.

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"I don't like my hair when it's washed — it's fine and limp — but Coca-Cola makes it tousled, like I've gone through the Amazon or something," the 24-year-old told Us Weekly.

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Kathie Lee and Hoda decided to test the idea for themselves, well, on producer Donna Farizan at least. TODAY hairstylist Laura Castorino was skeptical beforehand.

"They say mechanics use Coke to to remove oil from an engine, so we'll see how it works on hair," Catorino said with a laugh, mentioning how the sugar-y substance can even clean a toilet bowl.

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What was the result? Textured and thicker-feeling hair, according to Farizan.

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"I think I might do it once a month!" she said. Even after trying the treatment on her own (without the help of TODAY's hairstylist), Farizan stuck by her conclusion.

This article was originally published on Mar. 25, 2015 on TODAY.com.