Start your morning with this 7-minute workout from Dr. Oz

Dr. Oz showed Joy Bauer the 7-minute workout routine that helps him start his day. Follow along!


Dr. Oz recently invited Joy Bauer to his studio to learn his 7-minute workout that he does every single day. While eating right is important, exercise is also a big part of the equation when it comes to staying healthy.

Together, they demonstrated the 7-minute workout that Dr. Oz swears by!

They start the workout by stretching and bending their left and right knees, to open their hips. Try to touch your toes. If you can't, touch your knees or hips. After stretching, get down into plank pose and start doing push-ups. Try for ten!

Dr. Oz shows Joy how to do a proper push-up.TODAY

Next, arch up into another stretch and gently touch your nose to the ground, eventually bringing yourself to a downward-facing dog pose.

From this pose, take your right foot to the ceiling and roll your right hip open by arching it to the right. Bring your leg straight up from that pose into warrior pose. Make sure to breathe steadily throughout this workout.

Arch your back so your left hand goes below your left knee and bend your right knee. Go back to warrior pose then into triangle pose to release your other side.

Dr. Oz and Joy Bauer demonstrate their best warrior poses.TODAY

Then, lean forward into airplane pose and then return to plank pose to do more push-ups.

Once again, return to upward facing dog, then smoothly transition to downward-facing dog.

Repeat the routine outlined above, but on the opposite leg. By this point, you should have less than a minute left! Swing down on your bottom in a sitting pose to end the workout with some sit-ups. This will strengthen your core.

End the workout with some sit ups!TODAY

This workout will help get you mentally prepared for that long day ahead!