This mind-blowing trick will resize any ring in less than 1 minute

While properly resizing a ring at a jewelry store is ideal, we love this trick to temporarily size a ring that's too big.


When you’ve found a gorgeous, yet not-exactly-in-your-size vintage stunner or you’re borrowing costume jewelry from a friend, it can be disappointing to find that the perfect ring that just doesn't fit.

While properly resizing a ring at a jewelry store is ideal, we love this trick to temporarily size a ring that’s too big.


  • Glue gun

  • Glue sticks

  • Clean surface you can easily peel hot glue from once dry

  • The ring ... of course!

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1. Heat glue gun.

2. Squeeze warm glue into a small mound on a clean surface. Around 6 or 7 squeezes of the glue gun trigger should be enough.

Make sure you have a clean, flat surface.TODAY

3. Dip the back of the ring into the “pool” of glue.

Make sure you really get the ring covered in the glue. TODAY

4. Work glue around the inside seam of the ring; it should resemble a crescent moon.

5. Allow to dry.

RELATED: How to remove a ring that's stuck on your finger

No one will ever know there's glue on the bottom of your ring.TODAY

You can change the ring 2-3 sizes with this trick. The best part is that the glue is easy to peel off, so whether you under- or overestimated the size on the first try, it’s super simple to start from scratch again. And you'll be able to return that ring to whomever you borrowed it from as good as new!