New Year's babies: Couple welcomes twin sons, born in two different years

An Arizona couple welcomed twins, but one was born in 2016 and one in 2017.


It was a New Year to remember for Brandon and Holly Shay.

The Arizona parents welcomed their son, Sawyer, a few minutes before midnight on Dec. 31, 2016 — making him one of the last babies born at Banner Thunderbird Medical Center.

Sawyer's twin brother, Everett, was born next — at 12:01 a.m. on Jan. 1, 2017. Everett was the first baby born in the new year at the facility, giving him a different birthday and birth year than his older brother.

Jennifer Ruble, a public relations spokesperson for the hospital where the twins were born, told NBC News affiliate KPNX that the birth was a historic one for the facility.

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"I have been at Banner for 25 years and I don't recall this happening in our history — to have a New Year's baby that was born just on the other side of the new year while his twin was born in the year previous," said Ruble.

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Brandon Shay told KPNX that he and his wife have two daughters, ages 13 and 4, and are looking forward to balancing out their family with the addition of their two sons.

"We're both feeling really thankful," Shay said in a video produced by the station. "We've got these two beautiful gifts from God and couldn't be happier."