Little bird can't stop warbling 'Addams Family' theme song

The members of the classic TV family might be "altogether ooky" but this little feathered fan is exactly the opposite.


The members of the Addams family might be "altogether ooky," according to their classic theme song, but we've found a little feathered fan of the iconic TV series that's exactly the opposite.

This rendition of "The Addams Family Theme Song" is for the birds!Everett Collection, @oumutdeyil/Twitter

Meet a little cockatiel who's taking the internet by storm after a video of him warbling "The Addams' Family Theme Song" alighted on Twitter.

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We're not sure if the Ankara, Turkey-based Twitter account that shared the video is this particular tweeter's owner, but we're so happy that the little guy has put the adorable back into a tune about a family that's "mysterious and spooky."

He even uses his beak as a percussion instrument (since he can't exactly snap his little talons)!

And as it turns out, the guy isn't alone in loving the song!

For those who don't remember "The Addams Family," the song was written by Vic Mazzy for the short-lived, but memorable (1964-66) TV series that focused on the upside-down lives of a seriously Goth family run by Gomez and Morticia Addams.

The concept (originally created by Charles Addams for a series of New Yorker cartoons) was revived for two successful movies in the early 1990s.

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But anyway, about the bird: he really is a scream, as the theme song might say. Let's watch it again: You'll catch on in a snap!

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