Here's what happened when I tried the weirdest soap on the internet

Lush Shower Jellies are the latest in wacky, quirky and fun beauty trends. Naturally, I had to try them out.


Does washing your body with Jell-O sound enticing? Then you'll want to hear about the latest in wacky, quirky and fun beauty trends. Shower Jellies — soaps with a delightfully gelatinous consistency — are bouncing their way across the internet. Naturally, I had to get my hands on one (or a few).

So, I did. And it ... was ... awesome.

Invented in 2006 by cosmetics retailer Lush, these jiggly, wiggly soaps come in a variety of bright colors, strong scents and silly names. As I was resisting the urge to take a bite, I learned that these soaps don't actually contain gelatin at all — in fact, they're vegan with a carrageenan seaweed base. It was time to test it out.


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As a beauty junkie who's familiar with Lush products, I braced myself for a rather pungent scent — and boy, was I right. From the moment I unscrewed the container lid on a red variety (called "93,000 Miles"), I was awash in a wave of serious cinnamon. Full of ingredients like cinnamon leaf oils, eucalyptus and mint jelly, it's no wonder this particular version is recommended for invigorating and soothing sore muscles.

I'm not a huge fragrance person, so that didn't totally appeal to me. But, let's be real, the scent is not the main event here. The Jellies are best known for their, well, jelly-ness.


And in that area, they didn't disappoint. The product bounced, slipped and shimmied from place to place (and from hand to floor, and hand to counter, and hand to ... anywhere that wasn't my hand). And once we added water, those buoyant effects were quadrupled.


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After I had my fill of playing with these insanely amusing bath products, I had to ask: Is there a right way to use these soaps? According to Lush representative Jennifer Graybeal, I had plenty of, ahem, "wiggle" room when it comes to technique. I could freeze them for a refreshing feel (ideal for the summer months!), mush them onto a loofah, cut them into little pieces and use them in a bubble bath or, well, try any other creative idea that came to mind.


I decided to stick with the classic and and scrub with Jelly as I would a normal bar of soap. Lathered up, these little guys can certainly make getting clean a lot more fun — but they also wouldn't stay put! While that was the whole reason why I found them so enjoyable, it was also a little worrying. Think of all the slippery, in-shower disasters waiting to happen.

But they also did just what they promised: They scrubbed just like any other soap and bubbled nearly twice as much. I felt squeaky clean when all was said and done.

A soap that does its job and simultaneous gives you a heck of a good time? That's an A+ in my book.

From $6.95,