'Dear Future Baby': Aspiring dads sing love song to future child

After a failed adoption attempt last fall, a Minneapolis couple had to say goodbye to their plan to welcome one baby girl into their family.


After a failed adoption attempt last fall, Minneapolis couple Joe Morales and Joey Famoso had to say goodbye to their plan to welcome one baby girl into their family. But despite the initial shock, heartache and sheer disbelief, the pair said that now their spirits are renewed, and their commitment and desire to become fathers has been reaffirmed by the experience thanks to a viral video the pair created last month.

To share their message with the world, the couple released a parody video set to the tune of Meghan Trainor’s hit "Dear Future Husband," which they called "Dear Future Baby."

In their version of the song, the aspiring dads croon lines like, “We won't let you cry / Always keep you dry / Even when you diaper makes us wanna freaking die / Cause we will treat you right, give you the perfect life — buying what you need, buy-buying your binkies.”

“We wanted to do something different that stood out, but also showed our personalities,” Morales told TODAY Parents. “We were very intentional about the words used in the song to illustrate the type of dads we will be. There are so many great families for a birthmother to choose, and by doing this, we hope to be one of the top on her list.”

Charming for certain, but will their video plea help? April Dinwoodie is chief executive of the Donaldson Adoption Institute, an organization that works to better the lives of all persons involved in the adoption process. She said that while videos and online appeals for adoption have changed certain aspects of the process, it’s important to protect the privacy of all parties involved.

“The Internet has had a transformative effect on adoption, and has impacted our lives on so many levels," Dinwoodie said. "This video is so clever and is a really heartfelt video, but it’s important for any family seeking to adopt to have the right support system in place and to know what happens after their dream is fulfilled."

Morales said that while the Internet has generated some potential leads for him and Famoso, they remain aware that a lot has to happen before they are officially connected with a baby, and they know from experience that things can change at a moment's notice.

Still, the couple said they feel supported by their online community, and remain hopeful that they will become parents when the timing is right.

“Social media is definitely helping to share our story. We have received so many positive comments of support from people who have adopted a child, as well as from several people who were adopted themselves. Ten or fifteen years ago, we would not have had the support and energy we do now. We are hoping all of the positive energy and prayers will help our baby find us soon,” said Morales.

In addition to their YouTube video, the couple set up both a Facebook site and an informational site through their adoption agency, both as additional measures to spread the word about their search for a baby.

The couples’ video has even reached Meghan Trainor herself, who spoke about the parody this week on radio show On Air with Ryan Seacrest.

“That’s the cutest thing ever – I’m gonna tweet it,” said Trainor of the parody.