How to get a baby to clean the house — watch this dad's hilarious video!

This dad knows the secret to making chores a breeze!


Cleaning stinks. No one wants to rake the yard, wash the windows or take the garbage out. So what's a dad to do? Put his adorable (and ambitious) baby to work, of course!

One genius dad realized his baby girl didn't seem to protest doing the household chores, so he went with it!

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In a hilarious video posted by How to DAD earlier this week, this father teaches his baby to do various (boring) chores and it's too cute to handle!

The video already has more than 7 million views and 117,000 likes. Go dad!

All in all, the chores seem to go pretty well, until it's time to clean the toilet. Even the baby knows that's no fun! So she proceeds to play dead, in what may be the world's cutest attempt to get out of chores.

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This father better take advantage of the help while he can. We have a feeling she'll catch on before long!