Day Boat Chatham Cod with Sautéed Bok Choy, Mango and Watermelon topped with Coconut in a Sake Emulsion

Chef Tony Esnault
Serving for two Servings


  • 4 ounce filet of cod
  • 4 ounce filet of cod
  • 1 teaspoon rice vinegar
  • 2 teaspoon pieces of bok choy
  • 1 teaspoon garlic clove
  • 1 teaspoon mango
  • 2 ounce watermelon
  • 4 ounce pieces of seedless white grapes
  • 1 ounce red onion, peeled
  • 1 teaspoon dry coconut shavings (optional)
Sake Emulsion:
  • 4 ounce filet of cod
  • 1 teaspoon rice vinegar
  • 2 teaspoon pieces of bok choy
  • 1 teaspoon garlic clove
  • 1 teaspoon mango
  • 2 ounce watermelon
  • 4 ounce pieces of seedless white grapes
  • 1 ounce red onion, peeled
  • 1 teaspoon dry coconut shavings (optional)
  • 2 shallots
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 1 2-inch piece of lemongrass
  • 1 slice ginger
  • 1 slice small celery stalk
  • 1 slice fennel stick
  • 1/2 can coconut milk
  • 1 tablespoon rice vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon sake


Baking Directions:

Cod Steal This Recipe® step-by-step Instructions:Preheat oven to 300 degrees Fahrenheit.

Season filets evenly with kosher salt.

Rub fish with olive oil and place in a non-stick cake pan large enough to hold 2 filets with a half-inch spacing between each.

Bake for 12 minutes.

Garnish Steal This Recipe® step-by-step Instructions:Dice mango and watermelon.

Cut the red onion and grapes in quarters.

Remove the root of the bok choy and clean the leaves in cold water adding 1 teaspoon of rice vinegar.

In a hot sauté pan coated with olive oil cook at medium heat, in order, the mango, red onion, grapes, finished by the watermelon (this should take 6 minutes).

Simultaneously, steam the bok choy.

Salt and pepper the fruits and vegetables in the sauté pan and finish with rice vinegar.

Reserve until needed.

Sake Emulsion Steal This Recipe® step-by-step Instructions:Sweat the chopped shallots, smashed garlic, finely chopped lemongrass, ginger, celery, and fennel in a saucepot with olive oil until translucent or until it gives off an aroma.

Add a can of coconut milk.

Simmer for 15 minutes to infuse flavor.

Strain in a blender and add rice wine vinegar, sake, blending until emulsified and aerated.

Season to taste with salt.

Serving Directions:

Assembly Instructions:In a shallow bowl, place the filet with a spatula.

Place bok choy around.

Place garnish around and pour sauce over the cod.

Finish with dry coconut shavings (optional).



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