Bethenny Frankel shares unfiltered selfie: 'Happy just the way I am'

At 51, the former "Real Housewives of New York City" star likes the way she looks.


Bethenny Frankel is proud of the way she looks without makeup.

The former "Real Housewives of New York City" star shared two unfiltered selfies on Instagram Thursday, saying she is happy with her looks and that she hasn't had any recent cosmetic interventions beyond a good night's sleep.

"I’ll post these for you periodically to remind you that no makeup and natural is as real as we can be," wrote the 51-year-old entrepreneur. "I haven’t seen any surgery or products that can compete with a good night’s sleep. There may come a day that I’ll ask you if it’s time to get some work done, but for today I’m happy just the way I am."

In the first photo, Frankel is wearing a beanie and winter coat and smiling and in the second photo, we see Frankel making an expression that shows the lines on her forehead.

"PS. For the haters, I gave you a no Botox wrinkled forehead pic as well….just to avoid any confusion," she added, along with the hashtags #thisisme #bereal #holiday2021 #nofilter #justme #justb.

"I like you better natural," commented Michael Capponi, a businessman who has partnered with Frankel's Bstrong initiative. "Look even wiser."

"Your beautiful," commented "Real Housewives of New York City" star Sonja Morgan.

Earlier this week, Frankel shared another photo of herself, which she said caught the eye of her 11-year-old daughter, Bryn.

"At breakfast, right out of bed and in pajamas, Bryn said to me, 'Momma you look really pretty, can I take your picture?'" she wrote in the caption.

It’s not the first time the Skinnygirl lifestyle brand founder has kept things real with her fans. In August, Frankel posted a pic of herself in her underwear, also with no filter, writing “this is me at 50.”

“I think it’s important for young women to know that being flawed is truthful and real, and that filtering yourself into someone fictitious is actually damaging to girls’ and women’s self esteem,” she wrote in part. “It’s courageous and beautiful to be real at any age.”