Baby toy recalled for recorded jokes about drive-by shootings, sexual abuse

Did you hear the one about the wildly-inappropriate remote control?


A children’s toy has been pulled from shelves after a mom reported it was cracking jokes about drive-by shootings and Catholic priests “screwing.”

Last month, a TikToker named @mommabearash explained that her 9-month-old son received an educational toy remote control as a gift from his great-grandmother, who purchased it at Walmart. 

“It says on the box ‘it tells jokes,’”@mommabearash tells viewers, in the now-viral clip. She then presses a button on the battery-operated gadget, which was designed for kids as young as 3. 

A horrified mom shared footage on TikTok of a baby toy spewing crude jokes.@mommabearash via TikTok

First up is a one-liner about sexual abuse. 

“How many Catholic priests does it take to screw a lightbulb into a socket?” a recording asks. "Two. One to do the screwing, and one to hear the confession.”

But the toy is just getting started. “You’ll never guess what makes a clip-clop, clip-clop, bang, bang, clip-clop, clip-clop, clip-clop noise,’” it says. “An Amish drive-by shooting.”

There’s also a gag about death. 

“Tom told his friend he has a job with 10,000 people under him. His friend replied, ‘Wow, he must be the CEO of corporation,’” the remote quips. “Tom said, ‘No, he cuts the grass in a cemetery.”

The Linsay RC-2L Smart Toy Remote Control has been

Linsay, the toy manufacturer, told in a statement that the RC-2L Smart Toy Remote Control has been “retired from the market” due to a software issue. The company noted that 27 units were recalled, and there is an open investigation into what happened.

A Walmart spokesperson tells that the remote was listed on by an outside third-party seller, but has since been removed as it didn’t comply with the company’s “prohibited products policy.” 

“Like other major retailers, we operate an online marketplace that allows third-party sellers to offer merchandise to customers through our eCommerce platform,” the spokesperson explains.

The toy has also been pulled from Lowes, Office Depot, Macy's, and ShopMyExchange. 

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