Let this cooing baby end your week on a good note

It's been a hard week, but these stories and videos remind us there is still good in the world.

Is a cooing baby balm for the soul? Yes, it is.meekah_heinie/ TikTok

It's hard to find the positive knowing that somewhere in the world, mothers and fathers are shielding their children from explosions or sending them away from home for their own safety.

However, amidst the fear and turmoil of the past week's events in Ukraine, we are trying to remember the good in the world that exists. Maybe you need the reminder, too.

An Olympic champion honored his mom

Nathan Chen won the world's respect with his incredible, gold medal-winning performance in men's singles figure skating at the 2022 Winter Olympic Games in Beijing.

But he won our hearts with his reaction to seeing his mom, Hetty Wang, for the first time since the Games: He placed his gold medal around her neck.

“Absolutely none of this would be at all remotely possible without her support,” Chen, 22 and the youngest of 5 children, told TODAY earlier this month after he won his gold medal. “Since day one, 3 years old, I stepped on the ice, and she’s been by my side ever since.”

Twin sisters married twin brothers, and now they have babies who are more than cousins

Talk about keeping it in the family! First, identical twins Briana and Brittany, 35, married identical twin brothers Josh and Jeremy Salyers, 37. Now, both couples have baby sons who are so genetically similar, they are more like brothers than cousins.

Little Jett Salyers, who turned 1 in January, and his cousin Jax, who will turn 1 in April, are what are known as "quaternary twins" because they share the identical DNA of their parents as well as their aunts and uncles.

“We were hoping that we would have overlapping pregnancies so that this would happen. We thought it would be really cool,” Briana said. “There’s only 300 quaternary marriages known in the history of the world.”

A beloved children's series gave its fans one last wonderful kind of day

After 25 seasons, TV's longest-running children's animated series, "Arthur," ended this week with an episode that gave fans a peek into how the show's characters all grew up.

Since 1996, "Arthur," based on a book series by Marc Brown, followed the adventures of Arthur the aardvark and his posse of animal buddies, including his kid sister D.W. and best friend, Buster.

In the series finale, it was revealed that Arthur grows up to be a graphic novelist whose first book, a memoir, tells the stories featured in the series.

Fans loved the Easter eggs hidden in the episode and the way everything tied together at the end, but they also grieved the end of a part of their childhoods.

“Arthur somewhat shaped my childhood,” said one fan on Twitter. “As a kid, this show brought me so much joy when I would watch it after a long day from school.”

Is a cooing baby balm for the soul? Yes

Hang on to the good things right now. Take care of yourselves!
