Meet the Press links — Sunday, October 23

George Allen, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Chuck Schumer, Stephen Hayes, George Packer & Frank Rich


Want to know more about about this week's guests and topics?

Try clicking on some of these links:

MSNBC:  High Court at a Crossroads
MSNBC:  CIA leak Fact File
MSNBC:  Politics
Senate Judiciary Committee
MSNBC:  Conflict in Iraq

Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, R-TX  Homepage | Bio
Sen. George Allen, R-VA  Homepage | Bio
Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-NY Homepage | Bio
Stephen Hayes, Weekly Standard | Bio |  Author, "The Connection:  How al Qaeda's Collaboration with Saddam Hussein Has Endangered America"
George Packer, New Yorker | Bio | Author, "The Assassins' Gate:  America in Iraq"
Frank Rich, New York Times | Bio | Recent columns