Readers rave, rant about ‘Idol’

As "American Idol" starts whittling down its group of finalists, readers definitely have strong opinions on who should stay and who should go.


As "American Idol" starts whittling down its group of finalists, readers definitely have strong opinions on who should stay and who should go.

Here are just a few of your thoughts.

ALOHA, ALOHA“I think Aloha was graded low because she went first, after hearing the rest of the singers, she actually sounded much better than most on TiVo. Janay is cute, but too young and so many of the girls are just forgettable. Lindsay, Amanda and another one are boring as heck.    –Peg

DADDY DEAREST“Mikalah Gordon is pretty but is off key. I don’t understand the judge’s fascination with her. Does her Daddy work for Fox?”  --Nancy

MIKALAH STREISAND“I love the show period. I don’t think there are any bad singers here at all, some are just better than the others. This year the talent is amazing, better than last year. I think that Mikalah is unbelievable & is capable of different styles. If she can learn to curb her “Barbra Streisand” schtick a bit and surprise audiences with songs like she did last night I think this extraordinary girl can go far.”   --Karen

JANIS WHO?“My wife and I got tired hearing the consistent criticism of Carrie Underwood as “you shoulda stuck with country”. Uh, yeah, she did. She was doing a cover of the Faith Hill rendition of ‘Piece of My Heart’ - not Janis Joplin. My guess is she didn’t know who the hell Janis Joplin was.”  --Michael

DOWN ON THE FARM“My favorite is probably Carrie Underwood. I feel she has an amazing voice that more humans would love and enjoy to hear rather than the farm animals back home. I think Carrie ought to work the voice out and just be herself and have the most fun up there on stage, and truly when she does, she will be an “American Idol” not just by title but by heart and soul!”    --Amera

LUCKY SONG“The best this week was Amanda Avilla.  This is the song that turned around Diana’s fortune last year and refreshed Amanda’s chances this year.”  --Patty

“I think that Jared Yates was really good, and Judd Harris was excellant. But I really think that this year is really tough to pick the best people. In my opinion, they are teriffic. This has been the best season ever.” --Ryan

WOMEN ARE BORING“I think all of the women are boring.  I normally flip to another television station when they sing.”  --Elaine

GUYS VS. GIRLS”Still think dividing the boys and girls does NOT make for an even playing field.  Based on performances from both this week, the guys blew the girls out of the water!  The girls were bland, boring, and just didn’t bring it.  And they need to lose the country stuff!”   -–Diane