Stone to play bisexual in ‘Instinct’ sequel

Studio is auditioning for female co-star


Sharon Stone says her character will have a bisexual relationship in the upcoming film “Basic Instinct 2: Risk Addiction.”

“There is lesbian love,” Stone said in an interview on the syndicated entertainment TV show “Access Hollywood,” which aired Thursday. “We’re testing for her now.”

When asked if she would mind if life ever imitated art, the 46-year-old actress said with a smile: “Why not? Middle age is an open-minded period.”

Stone said she was surprised at the attention her interrogation scene in the original 1992 “Basic Instinct” movie — in which she is famously underdressed — received.

“People still want to see some more of that,” she said with a laugh. When asked if that was the plan for the sequel, she smiled and replied, “You can spend your $12 and go find out for yourself.”