The Ed Show for Monday, March 9th, 2015

Read the transcript to the Monday show


Date: March 9, 2015
Guest: Joe Cirincione, Rabbi Shmuely Boteach, Joe Sestak, Gerry Connolly,
Laicie Heeley, Caroline Heldman, Ruth Conniff, Jane Kleeb, Sherrod Brown

ED SCHULTZ, MSNBC HOST: Good evening Americans and welcome to the Ed show
live from Detroit Lakes, Minnesota. Let`s get to work.

Tonight, Republican war dazes (ph).



to the table.

SEN. RON JOHNSON, (R) WISCONSIN: This negotiation was lost at the start.

SCHULTZ: And later, the silent treatment.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Now a message from Hillary Clinton.

like is for her to come forward.

KATE MCKINNON AS HILLARY CLINTON: This is not how Hillary Clinton goes

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Hillary Clinton will address the states department e-
mail controversy later this week.




UNIDENTIFIED MALE: 19-year-old Tony Robinson was killed by a police

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The fact that deadly force was used or employed in this
instance must mean that there have to be other factors present.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It`s not a black and white issue, it`s a law
enforcement issue.


SCHULTZ: Good to have with us tonight, folks. Thanks for watching.

Republicans are taking their obstruction of this President and
embarrassment to a dangerously new low level.

Now today, 47 Senate Republicans wrote an open letter to Iran`s leaders
warning the possible nuclear deal not going to mean anything, won`t last.
This guy is not going to be around very long you better deal with us.

This is a deliberate attempt to undermine the President of the United
States on his foreign policy efforts. The letter is sent to discourage the
Iranians from signing any kind of deal whatsoever. It`s also meant to
pressure the White House into giving Congress input into this process.

The letter reads quote, "Anything not approved by Congress is a mere
executive agreement. The next president could revoke such an executive
agreement with the stroke of a pen and future Congresses could modify the
terms of the agreement at any time." So that pretty much lays it out.

In other words, any deal that they`re going to do which was signed by these
guys right here. This letter was signed by freshmen Senator Tom Cotton.
He is the one who put it all together and was also signed by the Majority
Leader Mitch McConnell and the presidential hopefuls Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz
and Rand Paul.

Now earlier today, freshmen Senator Tom Cotton addressed his controversial


SEN. TOM COTTON, (R) ARKANSAS: Many Haram experts say that Haram`s leaders
don`t understand our constitution. So they need to understand that under
our constitution, Congress plays a very important role of approving
international agreements. In any deal that is not approved by the Congress
won`t be accepted by the Congress, now or in the future.


SCHULTZ: The White House is pushing back hard on this stunt from
Republicans. Early today, President Obama had this to say.


OBAMA: I think it somewhat ironic to see some member of Congress wanting
to make common cause with the hard liners in Iran. It`s unusual coalition,
I think what we`re going to focus on right now is actually seeing whether
we can get a deal or not.


SCHULTZ: Whether we can get a deal or not? Well, that`s exactly what the
Republicans don`t want. There`s no doubt that war with Iran would be
disastrous, everybody says that, how we going to win it? OK. You think
we`re not going take losses if we get into something like that?

Unfortunately, war hungry Republicans are all too eager to throw diplomacy
out of the window because we don`t need in their opinion.

On Sunday, Senator Lindsey Graham took -- just got after it and said that
this is what we believe then.


GRAHAM: Yes. Iran is our enemy. They`re cold-blooded cruel regime that`s
killed American soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. They are the leading the
state sponsor of terrorism. They`ve destabilize the region -- I fear them
more than I fear ISIL, I fear Iran but...

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Your fear on Iran more than ISIS?

GRAHAM: Absolutely. It`s not even closer. Iran with a nuclear weapon is
the nightmare for us, Israel, the entire region.


SCHULTZ: These guys are beating the drum to war with Iran. Republicans
are embarrassing the President, international. And they are denying his
election of the people and they are doing anything they can to discredit
President Obama.

The Republicans are doing everything in their power to undermine the
progress that has been made on this deal. And there`s a really good chance
we could get a deal.

After years of no diplomatic effort in silence between the both countries,
we are finally now at a point of getting something done. But because the
Republicans don`t like this President and because they don`t want to see
him have any successful whatsoever, this is the length they`re going to go
to. And I`m starting to really believe that this is all part of a huge
plan and was planned out for a long time. Bringing Netanyahu, let them set
the table for this and let the radicals go to work in the Congress.

How could no Democrats assign this, because it`s all politics. And it`s
not about a successful foreign policy, successful foreign policy across
supported all of this President.

Get your cellphones out, I want to know what you think.

Tonight`s question, "Do you think Republicans are beating the war drums?"
Text A for Yes text B for No to 67622, you can always leave a comment in
our blog at and we`ll bring you the results later on in the
show. And excuse me. That`s Thank you very much.

All right. Let me bring in Joe Cirincione, President of the Ploughshares
Fund, also with us tonight Steve Clemons, MSNBC contributor and Editor-at-
large for The Atlantic and Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, founder of This World:
The Values Network. Great to have all of you with us tonight.

Rabbi Shmuley, I want to go right at this with you, is this part of the
plan, is this Bibi doing the work for the Republicans and setting the table
and isn`t this really what the Israeli entire effort by the Israelis, is it
this what you wanted to come to? They get the Republicans on board on to
do something like this.

Iran calls America, the great saying. It was 144 days of captivity for
American hostages. That`s what initially started the American drum beats
to war.

We sent soldiers who died in the Iran to save those hostages. So let`s not
pretend that this is Israel`s doing I think that`s...

SCHULTZ: How many years ago was that?


BOTEACH: And since then, the status goes only gotten worst your talking
about the regime that, you know, hang gays in public squares and stones
women to death and a regime that sponsors terrorism killing American
soldiers throughout the world. This has little to do with Israel...

SCHULTZ: Wait a minute. Hold on one second. We`ve seen they want to do a
trade deal that has no human rights. So, I mean, the big picture here is
to make sure that the Iranians do not have the nuclear capability to nuke
your country or our country or any other country in this world. So there`s
it`s not status quo and understand, you know, you want to go back 30, 35
years, 20 years whatever fine, but what about today? What about today? Is
there no trust level whatsoever here?

BOTEACH: First all, I love your (inaudible) in your show...


BOTEACH: ... but I`m an American and this is my country. I`m Jewish, I
care about Israel having settle that.

Iran is being appease with a deal that will give them thousands of
centrifuges and billions of dollars by which to wreck international terror

Many of us believed it`s a bad deal, now why won`t the President go to
congressional ratification. You may not like the Senators, the Tom
Cotton`s letter, but there`s nothing there that he said that`s untrue. The
fact is that executive fiat is not going to bring about the deal. A
properly ratified treaty will and that`s all the Republican...


BOTEACH: ... Senators are saying.

SCHULTZ: I can`t remember another time when the United States Senate has
put -- taken something that been so politically to go against our country
on foreign policies, Steve Clemons your thoughts on that.

STEVE CLEMONS, MSNBC CONTRIBUTOR: Shmuley is great guy and I apologize for
saying this, but he is totally wrong about Tom Cotton`s letter. Everything
is wrong about that letter. It`s legally completely off-base. What is
being negotiated by the P5+1 which includes Russia, China, Germany,
England, France, United States in a group deal is an international
understanding to international agreement with Iran, that is non-binding

Congress and the Senate have no role on that process other than through
talking with White House, talking with players about what they might do.
But they have no role at all because there is no bilateral negotiation, no
treaty that will be submitted to the United States Senate and it is non-
binding, so that the parties don`t behave over time. They won`t do this.

And so, the disdain that these senators have for Barack Obama and the White
House is being placed above, in my view, their concern for the core
strategic interest of United States and the world.

And well, I empathized with...


CLEMONS: ... what Shmuley just shared about values in Iran that Iran with
a nuclear weapon is far, far more dangerous today and that is the strategic
focus which Barack Obama`s been putting on this problem.

SCHULTZ: Joe Cirincione does this sour the possibility of a deal with the


SCHULTZ: ... to what the Republicans have done with this letter.

CIRINCIONE: The Tom Cotton letter is unprecedented as Senator Dianne
Feinstein said today. I can`t recall a time this is ever happened. If 47
Democrats had sent such a letter to Republican President, they would be
accused of treason, they will be lynch mobs outside their office. This
directly undermines and national security of United States by placing and
question the authority the President of the United States to conduct our
foreign policy.

Second, it actually makes it somewhat easier for the president to get the
deal, because this letter is so toxically partisan. It makes it much
harder for Democrats who might be sympathetic to some of these views to
join with the Republicans. It probably, for example, is giving Democratic
Senator Tim Kaine from Virginia, second thoughts about his cosponsorship of
the bill by Senator Bob Corker that would also kill the deal by requiring a
Senate approval of the deal.

I think Democrats are not going to move away from this extreme wing of the
Republican Party that seems to have taken over national security policy.

SCHULTZ: All right. Rabbi Shmuley, there`s been a lot here said by these
two gentlemen. Gentlemen, I want you to pick either comment, what your
interpretation of what Cotton has done and the Republicans have done is
totally different from Mr. Cirincione and Mr. Clemons, your response.

SHMULEY: Well, with all the respect, I find it astonishing that what we`re
focusing on in this discussion is if there`s a presidential protocol,
presidential prestige, all of which are very important. But it pales into
insignificance, have the question of Iran getting a nuclear weapon.

Unfortunately, the President`s rushed to conclude a deal that appeases Iran
that leaves them with a significant nuclear infrastructure has cause the
(inaudible) to choose. Do we choose to think presidential protocol and
prestige or do we choose between Iran not getting a bomb.

Now, that Iran being left with 6,000 centrifuges...

CLEMONS: But Rabbi, Rabbi...

SHMULEY: ... is a danger to the world.

SCHULTZ: Respectfully. Hold on. Respectfully, let`s focused on what the
Republicans have done here. They have undercut the President of the United
States. Would you agree?

SHMULEY: The Republicans have asserted the legislative right to ratify a
treaty which the White House is neglecting why is President Obama, this is
a good deal, why will he not submit I.T...

CLEMONS: This is not a treaty.

SHMULEY: ... for Senate oversight and Senate approval.

CLEMONS: This is not a treaty. There is nothing about this thing as a

SHMULEY: And that`s what they say. And that`s exactly what the leader
(ph) says...

CLEMONS: The President has said entirely through this process that this is
not a treaty.

SHMULEY: So that`s what the leader (ph) says.

CLEMONS: On top of that, the kinds of agreements that the White House has
entered into of this very sort, protect U.S. soldiers around the world.
Our status of forces agreements, the way, the protocols that you`ve just
said are -- that we`re debating are exactly the kinds of things that this
White House uses to protect soldiers around the world. The Congress has
stepped in to undermine that kind of authority that sort of example and
model by which these sorts of agreements are achieved.

And those are the two that are in kind that I think are important. I think
what we`re seeing is a scorched earth effort to prevent any deal ever,
ever, ever...


CLEMONS: ... ever in the history of all time with Iran. And that is not
in the strategic interest of United States.

SHMULEY: I completely disagree. I think we`re seeing an effort to stop
Iran getting a deal that leaves them with 6,000 centrifuges, that leaves
them the one year break up (ph) period toward a bomb, that leaves them with
us trusting them with a couple of U.N. inspectors who was suppose to
prevent that bomb, why even take a chance. This is a theocratic regime.

SCHULTZ: OK. Let`s let Joe Cirincione answer that.


SCHULTZ: Joe, what about that?

CIRINCIONE: Our number one goal is to stop Iran from getting a bomb. I
wish we could stop them from any centrifuges but they have 20,000 of them
now. So what do you do? You have three choices. You can sit back and do
nothing. That`s what the Bush administration did and it let them built
centrifuges unconstrained. Two, you can negotiate a deal that stops the
program and it tracks, rolls it back, puts it in an ion box and gives you
at least a year warning time if they violate the agreement. That`s the
Obama approach. Three, you can go to war.

That approach is what Senator Tom Cotton appears to favor. You go to war.
You will probably accelerate the Iranian program and start a conflict that
will make the Iraq war and the Afghanistan war look like warm up box (ph).

SCHULTZ: Rabbi Shmuley, what would be -- a successful conclusion here. Do
you want war with Iranians? Do you want.

SHMULEY: Nobody wants war. I think the quickest and shortest road to a
war is appeasement. We`ve learned that throughout history and we have to
take a historical president.

The only thing that will prevent a war is Iran willing (ph) that the
international community is absolutely (inaudible) of them getting a bomb.
It`s about the international community forcing them to repudiate all
genocidal intent against Israel, the Jewish state and against the United
States, the great saying.

That`s what prevents a war. It`s telling them that were tough.
Appeasement always invites war. Now, 6,000 centrifuges at a one year break
up period to trust the mulls of Iran who lie to the world constantly and
lied for 12 years about this program even existing who built underground
enrichment facilities, plutonium reactors, why would we trust them? How
can you give a regime this (inaudible) one year...

SCHULTZ: Clemons, what about that?

CLEMONS: I would say two things. One, in Afghanistan and they build up
(inaudible) Afghanistan war in our invasion. It`s not often mentioned that
Iran cooperated closely with United States was impart, part and parcel with
us of bringing cars (inaudible). There are examples of other cooperation
we`ve had with Iran so it`s not completely a negative thing. Well, I hear
much of Shmuley`s concerns about Iran`s intent.

The second piece of this is that...


CLEMONS: ... the Bibi Netanyahu and that thing is not the only view from
Israel. We have the long-term director of the Mossad -- the last I
checked, Mossad never (inaudible) Israel`s entry short (ph) who`ve said
that Bibi is putting Israel in position of actually provoking a contest
with Iran that has undermined Israeli security. It`s important to realize
that there are diverse set of voices inside Israel about these issues.


CLEMONS: And they`re not all where Netanyahu is.

SCHULTZ: Gentlemen, we got to run. Joe Cirincione, Steve Clemons, Rabbi
Shmuley, I appreciate your time tonight on this very hot topic. No doubt
about it. Thank so much.

Remember to answer tonight`s question there at the bottom of the screen.
Share your thoughts with us on Tweeter @edshow and on Facebook. We always
want to know what you think.

Coming up, development and the fight against ISIS. Plus, a new call for
Hillary Clinton to explain herself, this time, Democrats are asking the
questions and leading the charge. Stay with us, we`ll be right back.


SCHULTZ: Welcome back to the Ed Show.

There are major developments on ISIS around the globe. A new report from
The Washington Post reveals ISIS could be falling apart from within.

There are stories from the local residents and in fighting between foreign
leaders and local fighters attempts to recruit local citizens for the front
lines are increasingly unsuccessful and grow attacks against ISIS are
becoming more frequent. These reports are only glamour of hope. They
don`t offer any real indication ISIS is losing its grip on Syria or Iraq.

Meanwhile, the Nigerian military group, Boko Haram, has reportedly pledge
official allegiance to ISIS in an audio statement.

Haram is known for their cultural brutality. Just this weekend, the group
conducted five bombings in Nigeria that killed 58 people. Haram is
estimated to have roughly 6,000 fighters and controlled about 8,000 square
miles of Northeast Nigeria.

Joining us tonight, former Congressman from Pennsylvania and candidate for
Senate, Admiral Joe Sestak. Joe, good to have you with us tonight.

You know, this.

FMR. REP. JOE SESTAK, (D) PENNSYLVANIA: Good to be with you.

SCHULTZ: You bet -- geographically this problem seems to be expanding over
the last six months but now, there is an allegiance coming from Haram.
What do you make of that? Is this something that really be alarmed about
that this could even spiral totally out of control where we couldn`t do
anything against unless we had ground troops?

JOE SESTAK: The presence of terrorist around the globe is absolutely
something we`ve been dealing with for sometime. After all, Ed, as you and
I have talked about, it is a global war of terror. But second, I wouldn`t
make much of this recent declaration.

The ISIS group is very racist. They do not -- and their statements have
said, appreciated all African-Americans -- or Africans, excuse me. Second,
the type of Islam that is practiced in Africa does not meet the tenants of
fundamentalism practiced by ISIS.

This is a contract in name only. Something to excite us to go forward, I
guess. This is not anything that meaningful at all.

SCHULTZ: So how should the United States respond to this? I mean, is this
a new wave of how we need to fight this or what?

SESTAK: No. Way we`ve done this is not pretty smart in the part of the
military. We established a few years ago an AFRICOM command. That command
did not exist when I was in the U.S. Navy. It was just coming about.

And it`s actually has the number, two person in the AFRICOM command, a
State Department, a civilian person recognizing that if we can get involved
in proper way early in Africa, yes, with the military operation and command
that is able to -- with pinpoint precision of Delta forces or others, take
out the real bad spots. To be using drones, if appropriate, with real bad
people that the number two person is doing what we really need to do to win
this global war of terror.

The State Department is out there helping to win the minds and the hearts
of the people. Look, what`s happening out there is no different in Nigeria
than how it happened in Jordan or Egypt. Where there are citizens, Coptic
Christians for Egyptians, and the pilot that was burned alive in a cage,
all of a sudden said, "ISIS is really not something we want around."

That is what`s beginning to happen, I believe, in Africa in our presence
militarily but also, with the proper reach in other elements of our power.
Diplomacy, foreign aide and other areas that we can bring about to help
those be less (ph) hospitable in Africa to ISIS and other types of
terrorist groups, is exactly the right strategy.

SCHULTZ: How much stack would you put into the reports that are out there
that the ISIS is struggling from within? And that there are command and
control issues with them, that there are recruiting issues with them, and
maybe they are starting to unravel, what about all that?

SESTAK: Well, I think that there`s probably a limited supply of martyrs
(ph) for any type of group out there. And I think that the strategy that I
have argued has been a little slow to come about by the administration.
But nevertheless is the correct one of making sure that those other nations
out there begin to turn against ISIS, particularly in Iraq, it`s beginning
to work.

Look, the curves are advancing. Yes -- and the Baghdadi enforces are
advancing with Iran. I got that. But sometimes, when you want to make
sure you win, you are working with an adversary who might be a friend in
this particular situation.

And so I think also what was beginning to happen, is our Treasury
Department is having some victories. $400 million is hoarded by ISIS to do
damage by spending it against us. And they`re slowly but surely squeezing
down on the bloodlines in cutting that off. And just like the Democratic
Party, Republican Party, there`s always internal strife. And I think as
they`re beginning to get squeezed, the strife is beginning.

But this is a global war of terror, and they will take quite some period of
time, potentially years before this particular bad element, these
criminals, really are basically removed from being present in the world.

SCHULTZ: All right. Admiral Joe Sestak, good to have you with us tonight
here on the Ed Show.

SESTAK: Great to be with you, Ed.

SCHULTZ: For more, let me bring in Congressman -- you bet. Let me bring
in Congressman Gerry Connolly of Virginia, and also Laicie Heeley of the
Center of Arms Control and Non-Proliferation.

Congressman, you first, what do you make of this news and how credible do
you think these reports are that ISIS is struggling from within, and now
this new allegiance that has been called for, what about that?

REP. GERRY CONNOLLY, (D) VIRGINIA: I think it`s a little more serious, Ed,
than maybe we just heard from Joe Sestak. I think there is some natural
tensions, and as you start to loose on the battle field, as you start to
actually retreat from the gains we`ve made last summer, those tensions get
aggravated and accelerated.

There are real cultural tensions between the native ISIS population and the
foreign fighters they have recruited. And those are not trivial in number.
We`re talking about over 20,000 foreign fighters who`ve come into Syria and
Iraq for ISIS.

And they have a whole different set of benefits, you know, enhancement in
terms of where they live and what they get, and their willingness to go to
the front to fight. And it`s often the Syrian fighters who are sent to the
front and put in harm`s way, not so much for the foreign fighters. And I
think that has created a real serious issue internally that could affect
ISIS` ability to sustain itself.

SCHULTZ: So Congressman, but this doesn`t change our strategy at all...


SCHULTZ: ... or does this underscore that what we`re doing is the best

CONNOLLY: I hope actually, Ed, it allows us to exploit these tensions, and
keep the heat and pressure on to roll back the gains ISIS main (ph) and
frankly, hopefully, ultimately, to destroy it as a serious force in the

We`ve had some real gains in Kurdish territory. And now we see a real test
case for the battle of Tikrit.


CONNOLLY: If Tikrit falls, it`s a big blow.

SCHULTZ: No doubt. Laicie, how significant is this pledge of support?
What`s it mean as you see it?

to tell yet, just how significant practically this will play out. Boko
Haram`s pledge of support is very much a media boost for ISIS. And ISIS,
as we know, is very good at playing the media, and playing up and
increasing its influence in that way, definitely very good on social media,
even this announcement that was made on social media.

So it provides a big boost in that way, I think, for both organizations,
and both in terms of recruitment, in terms of the way that we address the
size of the organizations, and the success that they`re having. But
practically, on the ground, I`m not sure that this changes much.

SCHULTZ: Yeah. Congressman, should we be doing more? Should we be more
involved in fighting Boko Haram?

CONNOLLY: Well, I guess I would separate the two. We would have to work
with multilateral partners in Nigeria, and do so at the behest (ph) of and
invitation of the Nigerian government. And frankly, I think there`s a
heavy burden on the Nigerian government to protect its own people and to
respond to that military threat within its borders.

Nigeria is not in the kind of chaotic shape -- Syria is for example, in the
midst of a civil war. And so I would put more responsibility on leadership
on the Nigerian shoulders, obviously, we`re prepared I think as a partner
to help.

In the case of ISIS...

SCHULTZ: Laicie, you agree with that? Is that a strategy that you think
might work, Laicie?

HEELEY: I do. And I think that we need to continue to address the issues
such as terror then the global fight on terrorism by -- from -- not just
military means, but foreign aide and other issues on the ground that need
to be addressed to address the existence and continued existence of these
organizations, and wipe them out that way.

We have to think the long-term here...

SCHULTZ: All right.

HEELEY: ... as well as the short term.

SCHULTZ: All right. Congressman Gerry Connolly and Laicie Heeley, good to
have you with us on the Ed Show...

CONNOLLY: Great to be back with you, Ed.

SCHULTZ: I appreciate it very much. You bet.

Coming up, Hillary Clinton is coming out of the shadows on her e-mail
scandals sometime this week. Plus, protesters plug the streets of Madison,
Wisconsin after a police involved shooting. We have the latest. Keep it
here. We`ll be right back on the Ed Show.



MAYOR PAUL SOGLIN, (D) MADISON, WISCONSIN: We`re in the midst of one of
the most tragic episodes in the history of this city and community.


SCHULTZ: And that is the story in Madison, Wisconsin.

Good evening folks welcome back to the Ed show.

Protesters are wrapping up after police shot and killed an unarmed teenager
in Madison, Wisconsin on Friday night.

Moments ago the family of 19-year-old Tony Terrell Robinson held a news


TURIN CARTER, UNCLE OF THE VICTIM: Tony`s racial ambiguity reinforces the
fact that Americas racial lines are completely and 100 percent blurred, as
it pertains to the systematic targeting of young black males. To make it
clear, we appreciate the police and we understand the necessity for them --
but once again that is not excuse to what happen.


SCHULTZ: The teen`s death follows months of black lives matter rallies
across the nation.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: From of what I knew of Tony, he was always happy and a
great guy.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I`m standing up for my future, he never announce his

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They still don`t have the right to shoot him.


SCHULTZ: The officer who pulled the trigger says he was attacked while
responding to a call.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Shots fired. Shots fired.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: 12 47 copy. Shots fired.

SCHULTZ: Reporter from MSNBC with us tonight is Amanda Sakuma, she joins
us live from Madison.

Amanda, what is the situation on the ground there in Madison?

AMANDA SAKUMA,MSNBC CORREPSONDENT: Hi, Ed. There is a crowd of roughly
several hundred people still milling around after the family gave their
press conference just steps away we`re Tony Robinson was shot dead on
Friday night.

The family did not give many details about the investigation. They did say
that they did wish there was a bit more respect treated towards the family
on the part of the investigators. And as the mother has not been able to
see the body of the 19-year-old quite yet in funeral arrangements have not
been made.

That means that they implore that protesters continued and that they keep
on keeping their chance but they do not want to see any type of anti-police
in sentiments. They do not want any violence out here but they encourage
people to use a #TonyRobinson. They encourage people to come out and they
want to see this momentum continue particularly after what we saw this past
summer and now we`re seeing it here at Madison.

SCHULTZ: All right. Amanda Sakuma reporting live tonight from Madison,
Wisconsin and of course, we`ll stay on the story. Thank you Amanda I
appreciate it.

Up next, Democrats are putting pressure on Hillary Clinton to speak up
about her e-mails, Rapid Response Panel is next. Stay with us, we`ll be
right back.

MARY THOMPSON, CNBC, ANCHOR: I`m Mary Thompson with your CNBC Market Wrap.

Stocks is gaining ground with the Dow climbing 138 points, the S&P adding 8
and the NASDAQ climbing 15.

The big story of the day though the Apple Watch will be available on April
24. CEO Tim Cook saying it`s battery last 18 hours on a single charge, the
price starting at $349.

And McDonald says U.S sales fall 4 percent last month far more than analyst
had expected, the company`s new CEO took over on March 1st has been task
(ph) with boosting. The company is sinking fails.

That`s it from CNBC, first in business worldwide.


SCHULTZ: Welcome back to the Ed show.

Hillary Clinton remains silent over the controversy surrounding her e-mail

Today, Clinton made her third public appearance in seven days and offered
no explanation. Hillary Clinton says that she will address the situation
sometime later this week. Personally, I think she really needs to step out
beyond Twitter and say something as soon as possible.

Democrats need to make sure that Hillary does not have any kind of problems
like this before announcing run into 2016. Who silent about this is
anybody else is taking about running which surprises me.

Republicans are getting more aggressive Congressman Darrell Issa suggested
on Sunday that Clinton could face criminal charges.


REP. DARRELL ISSA, (R) CALIFORNIA: Voluntary cooperation does not
guarantee that it`s a crime not to deliver all.


SCHULTZ: There`s also a growing chorus (ph) among the Democratic Party.
Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein told NBC`s Chuck Todd, it`s time for
Clinton to speak up.


SEN. DIANNE FEINSTEIN, (D) CALIFORNIA: I think that she needs to step up
and come out and stay exactly what the situation. In her...

CHUCK TODD, MEET THE PRESS MODERATOR: Do you think that silence is hurting

FEINSTEIN: I think at this point, from this point on, the server -- the
silence is going to hurt her.


SCHULTZ: For Democrats, this isn`t about Hillary. This is about winning
the White House and giving a candidate who`s not going to have problems
like this. And to think that it`s just going to go away well it`s not, or
Dianne Feinstein wouldn`t say anything. Just remember the last time we had
the right-wing in control of the White House, "Gosh, refresh your course
coming up."

A conservative Supreme Court, tax cuts for the wealthy, a war we shouldn`t
or gotten involved in. I mean a lot of bad stuff happens when Republicans
are in the White House.

And so this is exactly what the Democrats don`t need right now and it just
seems that it would be so simple to make this go away.

Joining me tonight on our Rapid Response Panel Caroline Heldman who`s a
Professor of Politics at Occidental College. Also with us, Ruth Conniff,
Editor in Chief of the Progressive Magazine and Jane Kleeb, Executive
Director of BOLD Nebraska.

Jane, you first, what does middle America think or what is the pulse (ph)
of this that just keeps continuing to bubble up and drip, drip, drip with
more information. Now, there is Clinton aides that were running
interference. That`s one of the stories that`s out there now that they`re
running interference on some of the Benghazi material. It just sounds bad.
How this going to play out?

real America, we actually have a lot more concerns like the Keystone
pipeline or what renewable fuels standard is going to be or what the crops
and cattle prices are. But, you know, for me, Ed, what this really mean is
that Republicans whenever they see a strong female, Republicans think we
somehow still have pigtails that they can pull on and that will go away.

And it`s true that Secretary Clinton have to stand up and speak out on this
because the story clearly has legs. But I also think it is a non-story.
You know, folks like Senator Graham who`s never even sent an e-mail on his
wife continue to criticize Secretary Clinton. I think there is larger
issues that we need to be talking about.

SCHULTZ: You kind to get to non story, a non story after some in the
Senate have come out instead that she needs to step up on this. I mean
clearly that the Democrats are concerned about this, Jane.

KLEEB: No. No. I think that she needs to speak out about it but I think
once she does, I think that there is really nothing there...


KLEEB: ... Ed, just like there was nothing there with the Benghazi, you
know, "scandal" and they just are like pulling out our pigtails and that`s
what so frustrating about us as woman. But yeah, she absolutely needs to
come out and talk about why she had a private e-mail server.

SCHULTZ: All right. Ruth Conniff, this is to infuriate the Hillary base.
And there is a Hillary base. I mean, there Hillary followers out there
actually that no matter what happens to Hillary Clinton, they`re going to
be with her through thick and thin but what -- does this solidify them even
further. What effect might the story have?

the person to speak for the Hillary base. I have to say, you know, I think
basically, there -- it does not in play our confidence when your public
officials are not transparent about their actions in public office. We had
a whole problem here in Wisconsin, if you will, recall what Scott Walker,
his staff, someone whom went to jail after their private -- use of private
e-mail that conduct public business was uncovered here.

So I think it does matter. On the other hand, I think that is absolutely
true that the Republicans will do anything they can to make a mountain out
of a molehill when it comes to Hillary.

This is a regulation that was promulgated after she left office. Colin
Powell use the same, you know, private e-mails kinds of his network as
well, private e-mail account when he was the Secretary of State.

So, you know, there is definitely a witch-hunt going on but there is also a
problem and Hillary is very secretive. You know, this is a whole problem
with her -- with health care when she trying to get health care but she
conducted those conferences in secret. You know, she was very controlling
and that`s why she hadn`t said anything yet at and that`s a genuine

SCHULTZ: Caroline Heldman, Professor, what are other Democratic hopefuls
thinking, what would be the speculation there. Nobody else is speaking
out. I mean it`s, basically, anybody who else is thinking about the White
House such as Joe Biden or Bernie Sanders or the former Senator from
Virginia, you know, what do you make of it?

that the reason that we`re even talking about this is because she is such a
formidable front runner.

The Republicans want a dark cloud for her announcement next month and so
they are grabbing at straws. And she is definitely being held to a double
standard, right. A double standard when it comes to other Secretaries of
State who were in place before the law, other Republican leadership and
certainly, Republican contenders like Scott Walker and Jeb Bush and Chris
Christie who all use personal e-mail account.

So they are coming after her because she is really the person to be in this

SCHULTZ: Well, but there are gaps according to Trey Gowdy, do we believe
him? Does anybody else in Congress on the right have any credibility
whatsoever, Professor?

I mean, it would seem to me, if there are gaps in the e-mails and if the
Democrats are somewhat concern about this, and it is the different system,
there needs to be some explanation. Would you agree or -- you don`t see it
that way?

HELDMAN: Well, I would agree except that I don`t think that Trey Gowdy is
reputable source on any of this. This is, you know, partisan smoke. There
is no fire that we can see so far. And Adam Schiff who was also on that
committee who is a Democrat is saying, "Look, we have all of the

So until we see evidence otherwise, I don`t think this is a scandal and I
don`t anticipate that we will see evidence otherwise because Hillary
Clinton is too smart for that and she is also, you know, someone who knows
what she is doing in terms of getting into electoral politics.

She -- If she thought this would have been a scandal because it`s not, but
if she thought that it would have been an issue, she never would have done
it in the first place.

KLEEB: And Ed, if I can I jump in here.

SCHULTZ: Jane, what makes this -- Yes. Yup. Go ahead.

KLEEB: You know, Representative Gowdy actually, he is using the iconic
picture of Hillary as his kind of basis of fact that somehow there is gaps
in e-mails. When the fact of the matter is that picture is taken in 2011
and the Benghazi, you know, issues really happens in 2012.

And so again, it`s just (inaudible) throwing -- trying to throw fire, I
mean, trying to throw flames on something that`s just not there and I think
that the Republicans, what they really need to do is just focus on their
candidates. Let the Democrats focus on our candidates. And, you know, if
Secretary Clinton doesn`t come out this week and address it, that will be
hugely disappointing but I have confidence that she will. She is a strong
woman, a strong candidate and we just need to get pass this.

SCHULTZ: Ruth Conniff, how does she address it? What`s the best platform?

CONNIFF: I think she has to make a public speech. She has to speak out in
public on camera and I think she has to make all of these e-mails
available. You know, we need to see what was going on when she was
Secretary of State, you know, on public time, conducting the public`s
business. It`s a baseline requirement in which she have open records.

SCHULTZ: All right.

CONNIFF: You know, a lot of this is all dated law and we need to catch up
and have more modern record, you know, (inaudible) ability but she got to
make herself available.

SCHULTZ: Caroline Heldman, Ruth Conniff and Jane Kleeb, great to have all
of you with us tonight. I appreciate your time.

Coming up, the one thing which could derail the growing economy, Senator
Sherrod Brown joins us. Keep it here. We`ll be right back.


SCHULTZ: Welcome back to the Ed Show.

You never know what that iPhone is going to catch. Today, emotions are
running high at the University of Oklahoma.

A video surfaced over the weekend showing members of a fraternity chanting
racist slurs.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There will never be a (inaudible) at SAE. There will
never be a (inaudible) at SAE.


SCHULTZ: The president of the university addressed this situation a short
time ago.


This is not who we are and we won`t tolerate it, not for one minute from

SCHULTZ: The Sigma Alpha Epsilon chapter was shutdown on Sunday by the
National Organization. All members have until midnight tomorrow to vacate
the fraternity house.

Keep it here, the Ed Show continues right after this. We`ll be right back.


SCHULTZ: And finally tonight, this is the story for folks who take a
shower after work.

Now, the economy, the economy, the economy, the economy, it is growing at a
record pace. You won`t hear that anywhere else.

295,000 thousand jobs were added in February, great number. Unemployment
rate down to 5.5 percent, we`ve had five years, that would be 60 months of
private sector job growth. Only one thing, as I see right now can stop all
of these gains and that`s a lousy trade deal, the Trans-Pacific

TPP would be one of the largest trade deals in our country`s history.
President Obama doesn`t want your Representative, your Congressional ever
to lay a finger on it. The White House is pushing for trade promotion
authority. They want the ability to give the stamp of approval. Congress
would be restricted, just an up or down vote, no negotiation, no debate.

Only big corporations have had a say in this 12 country negotiated deal.
Workers know it`s as bad NAFTA and worse. The Nurses United say fast-
tracking would be a real bad deal for public health, a public health
disaster. TPP limits the import and access to medicine.

Labor Unions have never been more unified and united. They of course claim
that this trade deal would be a job killer.

Environmental organizations are also rejecting fast-track authority. The
agreement weakens our safeguards when it comes to climate and trade

Do the House is on recess, and the Senate is stuck according to Senator
Orrin Hatch. And we may not see a debate until April. So where is it
right now?

Senator Sherrod Brown of Ohio joins us tonight. Senator, good to have you
with us.

If you had to make a call on trade promotion authority, where is it right
now? Is the President going to get it?

SEN. SHERROD BROWN, (D) OHIO: Close call. And we know, I think shows like
this will absolutely matter. We know that our trade policy over the last
20 years, from NAFTA up to our TPP, is it really amounts to corporate
handouts and worker sellouts, that we -- every time there`s a trade
agreement, they make promises of X number of jobs, and it`s often minus X
number of jobs.

They say that wages will go up, wages instead stagnate. They say that
environmental policy will get better. Environmental policy is --
environment is degraded because of what happens when we see one thing after
another and these trade agreements that don`t work for our country.

All the things you just said, from public health, what this will do to
empower American tobacco companies that have their way in poor countries,
to what it means for our sovereignty, to what it means primarily and
specially for workers in cities like Langsville where I grew up, and


BROWN: ... and Springfield, you know that.

SCHULTZ: Senator, are the Democrats in the Senate united on this? I mean,
obviously, they -- don`t want to hinder the President but on the other
hand, this is such a horrible deal. And it doesn`t seem like the
President`s going to reverse his course on this. How strong are the
Democrats on this?

BROWN: Well, it`s a mixed bag in the House. They look to be -- according
to Congresswoman DeLauro, they looked at the 80 percent and 85 percent
opposed that`s pretty close to unanimous to consensus, particularly inline
to the fact that the presidents of our party.

In the Senate, it`s probably 60-40 now, but we`re working, and talking, and
lobbing on the Senate floor, and showing people statistics, and talking
about what you just talked about in the introduction of this segment about
what this means to public health, what it means to workers, what it means
to communities.

And, you know, particularly in small towns, where husband and wife will
often work at the same plant. The plant closes, they lose -- the entire
family income`s wiped out. That`s what happens when this trade agreement`s
set. That`s why the middle class is shrinking, and that`s why wages has
stagnated for really since NAFTA wages have pretty much stagnated in this

SCHULTZ: What`s the 11th hour strategy for those who oppose it?

BROWN: Well, 11th Hour strategy is talking about currency. The 11th Hour
strategy is show people an example of how the investor state provisions,
allow big tobacco companies to go to developing world countries and
threaten them to repeal their public health laws.

I mean, this just gives -- as I said earlier, its corporate handouts and
worker sellouts. And that`s becoming more and more obvious as we get
closer to whenever this vote is going to be.

SCHULTZ: Well, I just hope that those who oppose it get the ear of the
President, and maybe he`ll changed positions on this.

This is a job killer. There are no good numbers out there that support
this deal. That`s what amazes me. Senator Sherrod Brown, good to have you
with us tonight.

BROWN: 20 years of evidence for that, Ed. That`s exactly right. Thank

SCHULTZ: No doubt about it. Senator, good to have you with us, I
appreciate your time. Thank you so much.

That`s the Ed Show. I`m Ed Schultz.

PoliticsNation with Reverend Al Sharpton starts right now.


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