10 Things to See: A week of top AP photos

Here's your look at highlights from the weekly AP photo report, a gallery featuring a mix of front-page photography, the odd image you might have missed and lasting moments our editors think you should see.


Here's your look at highlights from the weekly AP photo report, a gallery featuring a mix of front-page photography, the odd image you might have missed and lasting moments our editors think you should see.

This week's collection includes a horse rider drinking wine next to a bonfire during a ritual in honor of the patron saint of domestic animals in San Bartolome de Pinares, Spain; a Ukrainian woman taking a bath in the frigid waters of a lake in Donetsk, Ukraine; children doing their homework inside a courtyard of an apartment building in Havana, Cuba; and a model presenting a creation by Indonesian fashion designer Meggie Hadiyanto during Fashion Week in Hong Kong.


This gallery contains photos published Jan. 15-22, 2015.

See the latest AP photo galleries: http://apne.ws/TXeCBN

The Archive: Previous "10 Things to See" galleries: http://apne.ws/13QUFKJ


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This gallery was produced by Jenny Kane in New York. Follow her on Twitter (http://twitter.com/JennyKanePhoto) and Instagram (http://instagram.com/jennykanephoto).