Let This Mouse Inspire You (Video)

Having a rough day? This tiny mouse overcame the odds and you can, too.


How will I get that cracker? This is the puzzle faced by a tiny mouse in a LiveLeak video. The cracker is bigger than the mouse. The mouse fails, repeatedly. But if you watch the mouse, the mouse reflects, shifts his strategies, and returns to his challenge undaunted.

The mouse could have abandoned the cracker. The mouse could just said "the heck with it" and eaten that entire massive Saltine right in front of the video camera. But that's not what our mouse wanted. That's not who our mouse is. Our mouse is better than that. 

And with great determination (spoiler alert), our mouse succeeds. 

Like our mouse, entrepreneurs face problems they can't solve. They have challenges that are often bigger than them, which similarly seem beyond their reach. When these issues arise, you should think of this mouse. If it helps, you should get yourself in front of a mirror and ask yourself, with great seriousness, "What would that mouse on the internet do?" Or even, "What would that mouse on the Internet want me to do?"

Ask those questions and you'll have all the guidance you need.