The top films at the North American box office

LOS ANGELES, Sept 30 - Following are the top 10 movies at North American box offices for the weekend starting September 28, led by Hotel Transylvania at No. 1, according to studio estimates compiled by Reuters.


LOS ANGELES, Sept 30 - Following are the top 10 movies at North American box offices for the weekend starting September 28, led by Hotel Transylvania at No. 1, according to studio estimates compiled by Reuters.

1 (*) Hotel Transylvania....................$ 43.0 million

2 (*) Looper................................$ 21.2 million

3 (1) End of Watch..........................$ 8.0 million

4 (3) Trouble With the Curve................$ 7.5 million

5 (1) House at the End of the Street........$ 7.2 million

6 (*) Pitch Perfect.........................$ 5.2 million

7 (4) Finding Nemo (3D).....................$ 4.1 million

8 (5) Resident Evil: Retribution............$ 3.0 million

9 (7) The Master............................$ 2.7 million

10(*) Won't Back Down.......................$ 2.7 million

NOTES: Last weekend's rankings in parenthesis. (*) = new release


Hotel Transylvania..........................$ 43.0 million

Resident Evil: Retribution..................$ 38.7 million

Finding Nemo (3D)...........................$ 36.5 million

End of Watch................................$ 26.2 million

Trouble with the Curve......................$ 23.7 million

House at the End of the Street..............$ 22.2 million

Looper......................................$ 21.2 million

The Master..................................$ 9.6 million

Pitch Perfect...............................$ 5.2 million

Won't Back Down.............................$ 2.7 million

Warner Bros., a division of Time Warner Inc, distributed "Trouble with The Curve." "Won't Back Down" was released by 20th Century Fox, a unit of News Corp. "House End of the Street" was released by independent studio Relativity Media. "End of Watch" was distributed by Open Roads Film, a joint venture of AMC Entertainment Inc and Regal Entertainment Group "The Master" was released by The Weinstein Co. Walt Disney Co distributed "Finding Nemo 3D." Sony Corp's movie studio released "Looper," "Hotel Transylvania" and "Resident Evil: Retribution." Comcast Corp's Universal Studios distributed "Pitch Perfect."

(Reporting By Lisa Richwine)