Simpson Blasts Baucus on Super Committee

Senator Max Baucus, appointed to a special committee tasked with drafting a long-term solution to the nation's mounting federal deficit, is coming under fire.


BILLINGS - Congressional leaders have released 9 of 12 picks for a special committee tasked with drafting a long-term solution to the nation's mounting federal deficit. Senator Max Baucus is one of those picks, but his appointment is coming under fire. Former republican senator Alan Simpson co-chaired the president's deficit reduction committee, which Baucus sat on. Simpson charges that he rarely participated. "Max and his staff never really indicated any great interest in it, they were quite cordial. We'd meet in his office, he would often not attend the meetings and when he would, he wasn't there for a very long length of time," said Simpson. Meantime, a CNN poll released Wednesday found most Americans think the long-term solution to the deficit should include tax hikes for the wealthy and businesses, and cuts in domestic spending. We asked people in Billings what they would like to see the so-called super committee cut and keep. Cassie Hutchinson said she worries about how spending cuts may impact the military. "My brother, instead of getting out safely when he's attacked when he's overseas, he now has to try to save as much equipment as possible, so they'd rather he save a seatbelt cutter then get out and be alive," said Hutchinson. Others worry what may happen to programs like Medicare, Medicaid, and social security. "It's a scary time. I'm retired. I think about my children and what kind of a country they're going to be living in," said Billings resident, Mel Melius. The committee will convene in the fall.