Fan earns moment on stage with Spielberg, Jackson

A clever T-shirt has helped fulfill the fantasy of one Comic-Con fan: shaking Steven Spielberg's hand.


A clever T-shirt has helped fulfill the fantasy of one Comic-Con fan: shaking Steven Spielberg's hand.

During an audience question-and-answer session at a panel featuring Spielberg and filmmaker Peter Jackson, a fan came to the microphone with a shirt reading: "If possible I would love to meet Steven Spielberg just to shake his hand and say thank you very much."

Spielberg invited him on stage, where the fan got to shake his hand and pose for photos taken by Jackson. The star-struck fan said all he'd hoped for was to ask if Spielberg still wanted to work on film rather than shooting digitally.

The director said he plans to shoot his movies on film. His upcoming Jackson collaboration "The Adventures of Tintin" had to be done digitally, though.