Harry Potter vs. 007: Who'd win in a fight?

It's almost certainly not a question J.K. Rowling ever thought of: Who'd win in a fight, licensed-to-kill spy James Bond, or Rowling's own creation, young wizard Harry Potter?


It's almost certainly not a question J.K. Rowling ever thought of: Who'd win in a fight, licensed-to-kill spy James Bond, or Rowling's own creation, young wizard Harry Potter?

Barring a really weird drunken night in Hollywood, we'll never know, but when an MSNBC.com staffer threw the question out there on Twitter, some fun responses came back.

Vokafella: "Bond could make HP cast a spell on himself...I think."

Jesidres: "Hmm, edge to Harry, but unless he's got a bullet-stopping spell, they're rather evenly matched.

Hubbit: "Harry Potter has 'expelliarmus. Bond just has a martini. Shaken, not stirred."

Happylittletree: "Depends. Sean Connery's Bond? Yes. Moore? Not so much."

Ashley88mph: "BATMAN!"

But we're going to go with the response from mjaedin, who wrote "Depends on who has the least compulsion about actually killing someone."

And when you look at it that way, the wizard is going down. James Bond routinely murders at least one person before the opening credits of his movie and tosses off a snarky quip afterwards. Despite his magic, Harry's all anguish and torment and "does this person really deserve to die?" While he's waffling about pulling his wand, Bond's already blowing the smoke off his gun barrel.

But don't let us decide: Vote. And join us on Facebook to argue your case, or read other people's arguments.