TV News: Ubiquitous Cute Boy Scott Foley Joins True Blood

Is it just us, or does everybody love Scott Foley? He's been on every TV show on the tube, and damn if he doesn't still gets the squee going after all these years. His latest conquest will be True Blood, where he'll play a soldier friend of Terry Bellefleur's (Todd Lowe) from their war days, but obviously his character's season-finale appearance comes with secrets and complex mysteries as well. Bring it, Noel!


Is it just us, or does everybody love Scott Foley? He's been on every TV show on the tube, and damn if he doesn't still gets the squee going after all these years. His latest conquest will be True Blood, where he'll play a soldier friend of Terry Bellefleur's (Todd Lowe) from their war days, but obviously his character's season-finale appearance comes with secrets and complex mysteries as well. Bring it, Noel!

Plus, Don Draper won't be walking out on us like he did on Sally, Ryan Murphy outlines his plans to remodel good ol' Glee, and more fresh Blood:

PHOTO: True Blood Season Four Premiere Gallery

Mad Men: Jon Hamm will make meellions and meellions of dollars for continuing to play cultural icon Don Draper on seasons five, six and seven of Mad Men. This is one of those nice, happy, satisifying, self-evident pieces of news like "Water is wet."

Glee: According to TV Guide, the winner of Oxygen's Glee Project series will pla y Sue Sylvester's (Jane Lynch) new nemesis. But then who will make fun of Mr. Schue's hair?!

Bones: Show runner Hart Hanson told Ausiello that Brennan's pregnancy will synch up with Emily Deschanel's real-life baby gestation, so expect to see Bones in her third trimester when the show returns in the fall.

Pretty Little Liars: Don't hold your breath waiting to find out the identity of "A" on PLL, because that's apparently a series-ender type of reveal.

Now, hang tight for a videopalooza of True Blood premiere party goodies, but here's a sneak peek to keep you busy in the meantime:

VIDEO: Eric, Eric, Eric. All is Eric.