Joss Stone Opens Up on Foiled Kidnap Attempt, Friendship With Will and Kate

There's letting things roll off your back, and then there's whatever Joss Stone is doing.


There's letting things roll off your back, and then there's whatever Joss Stone is doing.

Because despite being the victim of a rather terrifying-sounding kidnapping and potential murder plot just last week, the British singer doesn't seem all that fazed by her would-be security breach.

"Oh I'm fine, thank you though, that's very sweet," she told Popeater of concerns as to her well-being. "They didn't manage it so it's all good."

Well, alrighty then.

While the swift response of the U.K.'s finest no doubt helped put her at ease, so too, we would imagine, is the fact that she's got friends in some pretty high places.

After all, this is a girl who managed to score the unscorable and net herself an invite to the royal wedding.

"I did, that was fun," she said. But on which side of the aisle did she sit, Prince William's or Kate Middleton's?

"Prince William. I haven't met Kate," she said. "I've done a lot of things for their charity and their Dad's. You meet William and Harry as you go along, they had me sing at their Mum's thing which was really, really nice.

"They're just lovely, they're just really friendly, funny, lovely guys."

Aww, someone's ears must be burning. Though what with today being Prince William's 29th birthday and all, that's a sensation he's going to have to get used to today.

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