Nicolas Cage's Son Restrained Following Psych Evaluation

It's just not shaping up to be the Cage family's month.


It's just not shaping up to be the Cage family's month.

Just when it seemed like the circus surrounding Nicolas Cage's 20-year-old son Weston Cage had died down, up pops more legal drama, this time at the hands of the man who sent the famous offspring to the hospital, resulting in his being placed under a psychiatric evaluation.

So what's the problem now?

MORE: Nic Cage recently settled some legal drama of his own.

Well, now the victim-turned-attacker is getting the law on his side.

Kevin Villegas, the man involved in the hospitalization-resulting altercation with Weston outside a Hollywood restaurant earlier this month, has been granted a restraining order against the younger Cage, calling him "mentally unstable" and claiming that he lobbed "threats of violence" against both him and his family the night of the incident.

VIew the docs

According to the filing, Villegas said that Weston "roundhouse kicked me, issued verbal threats of physical harm against me and my family, which were laden with racial slurs," and continued to do so even after her was arrested and in handcuffs. Villegas also stated in the documents that Cage was indeed placed on a 5150 hold.

A judge today approved the standard order, which requires Cage's son to stay at least 100 yards away from Villegas, who used to work for Nic's family.

Which shouldn't be too hard, considering he's still in the hospital.

--Additional reporting by Claudia Rosenbaum

VIDEO: Watch Nic do what he does best--be a movie star!