Charlie Sheen Erased! Warner Bros. Removes Last Trace of Him From Two and a Half Men

Buh-bye, Charlie Sheen, it's like we never knew ya.


Buh-bye, Charlie Sheen, it's like we never knew ya.

While it's nearly impossible to erase him from memory, Warner Bros. has done the next best thing and removed the last vestiges of the former Two and a Half Men from the studio lot.

Pause for a moment of silence before checking out what's going up in Charlie's place.

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Warners today tore down a ginormous billboard featuring Sheen and his former castmates that had been on a fixture at the famed studio.

Presumably a new image featuring the just-added Ashton Kutcher isn't quite ready, leaving temporary, generic signage with just the show's logo.

We're sure it didn't come down fast enough for show boss/Sheen nemesis Chuck Lorre.

Hmm, who's winning now?

MORE: Sheen the quote machine