One 'Loser' binges and stays, while two go home

A whole bag of chips before bedtime? Drawers stuffed with candy? It seems one contestant on “The Biggest Loser” is going for the title of biggest binger this season.


A whole bag of chips before bedtime? Drawers stuffed with candy? It seems one contestant on “The Biggest Loser” is going for the title of biggest binger this season.

Last week, viewers learned that the reason Rulon hasn’t dropped as many pounds as some of the other big guys in recent weeks might have something to do with the fact that he likes to indulge in high-calorie snacks when he’s all alone.

“Middle of the night, I felt like I deserved it,” the former Olympic athlete said of his sneaky habit. “So, point blank, is there anything more? Not really. It was good,” he laughed.

This week, Jillian decided to get to the bottom of Rulon’s late-night binges, but anyone who thought they knew just how the take-no-nonsense trainer would approach the problem likely had it wrong. She may be known for her tough talk, but it was a quiet and understanding Jillian who confronted Rulon.

“I’d rather see you deserve to win the show,” she calmly said of his entitled attitude. “I’d rather see you deserve to live to 100.”

Soon Jillian realized that the man behind the 1.5 pound Rulon Burger wasn’t about to give up his junk food way of life, so she decided to work with him.

“If bringing in foods this guy likes and teaching him to consume them in moderation is helpful, then that’s what I’m going to do,” she announced. “Because in the real world, all that stuff is still going to be there.”

It doesn’t sound like Rulon plans to give up his chips anytime soon, but he may leave the mass quantities behind.

Luckily for the wrestler, the curb-without-total-control plan worked when it came time for the weigh-in. He dropped 7 pounds.

But of course, not every “Loser” could be so lucky. This week’s unluckiest of all was Courtney, who, after dropping more than 200 pounds on- and off-ranch, just couldn’t get past her current plateau problem. Despite a bumped up dietary plan and extra one-on-one work with her trainer, Brett, Courtney lost only 1 pound.

As the sole remaining member of the red team, there was no need for a vote. Courtney was sent packing.

But she wasn’t the only person to go. With no one left to train, Brett had to leave the ranch, too.

Ree Hines would like to remind Courtney’s pals on the blue and black teams that she didn’t die. She just went home. Save some tears for actual tragedies. Follow on Twitter and tell her what you thought of Tuesday night’s action.

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