Lady Gaga: Rebecca Black's 'Friday' is 'genius'

An arbiter of all things cool, outr and, let's be honest, totally wacky, has come to the defense of the 13-year-old auto-tune aficionado, addressing the Rebecca Black phenomenon.


Do you, like millions of others, think YouTube's much-maligned sensation Rebecca Black is the worst singer ever? That her song, " Friday," is beyond cheesy? That she oughta do music lovers the world over a favor and just pack in her dreams of pop stardom now?

Well, Lady Gaga has a message for you: You're full of it.

No less an arbiter of all things cool, outré and, let's be honest, totally wacky, has come to the defense of the 13-year-old auto-tune aficionado, addressing the Rebecca Black phenomenon (and her phenomenal public backlash) while chatting to the tech geeks at a "Google Goes Gaga" Q&A session.

So what did Gaga have to say about this young girl's, um, talent?

"I think it's fantastic," she said. "I say Rebecca Black is a genius and anyone that's telling her she's cheesy is full of [expletive deleted]."

So there you have it — though the best part of Gaga's response is the stony, defiantly eyebrow-raising "and ... ?" face she locks into after succinctly delivering her verdict.

In any case, count Simon Cowell among those not full of you-know-what, as the "X Factor" judge recently spoke out in defense of the teen, calling her song "brilliant" and labeling it "hysterical" that anyone could be so upset about the harmless tune.

In any case, Black wasn't the only hot-button topic Gaga discussed at the Musicians@Google talk Tuesday, as she also lashed out at Malaysia's censoring of lyrics in her hit "Born This Way."

Instead of allowing fans to hear the words "No matter gay, straight or bi, lesbian, transgendered life, I'm on the right track, baby," radio stations instead garble those lyrics in the only allowed, edited version of the song. (Broadcasters are forbidden from airing "offensive content," a category which the government claims Gaga's inclusive lyrics fit into. The could be fined up to $16,000 for playing the non-edited version.)

Needless to say, this isn't sitting well with Gaga.

"What I would say is for all the young people in Malaysia that want those words to be played on the radio, it is your job and it is your duty as young people to have your voices heard," she said. "You must do everything that you can if you want to be liberated by your society. You must call, you must not stop, you must protest peaceably."

Little Monsters, you have your orders.