Alpha Male Madness: Rank Your Faves!

OK, we've sorted through your nominations and extracted 64 of the most popular suggested Alpha Male Madness competitors, but we need more help. In order to get all the competitors properly seeded and set up in the brackets for this tournament, we're asking you to vote for your faves, so we can know who you love the most!


OK, we've sorted through your nominations and extracted 64 of the most popular suggested Alpha Male Madness competitors, but we need more help. In order to get all the competitors properly seeded and set up in the brackets for this tournament, we're asking you to vote for your faves, so we can know who you love the most!

Jump inside to vote in our ranking round!

WANT MORE? Follow @JenniferArrow on Twitter


Did we leave off someone you love? Note his name in the comments and we'll consider adding him back in as a wild-card competitor. Vote early and often, kiddos, because this will be one of our briefer polls. (Barring any weirdness, we'll probably end this late on Wed., Mar. 16, i.e. tomorrow.)

Good luck!

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