Is the Two and a Half Men Crew Back on Track With Charlie Sheen?

Charlie Sheen, with his tiger blood and goddesses, has clearly gone off his rocker the last several days.


Charlie Sheen, with his tiger blood and goddesses, has clearly gone off his rocker the last several days.

Don't get us wrong, we are thrilled to have picked up some winning new phrases courtesy of "the warlock," but as Funny or Die points out, it may not be nice to mock someone who is clearly "about to die."

That's obviously a joke, E! Legal Department, but we were curious: Is the Two and a Half Men crew feeling a smidgen of sympathy as their former moneymaker unravels before the world's eyes?

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Uh, definitely not! Sorry, Charlie, but don't count on the Men worker bees to climb aboard your crazy train, even if there are promises to get them monies due.

"Do we feel better that we get paid [for four episodes]?" quipped a key crewmember. "No. Let's see if it actually happens first."

We're told those who worked hard on the CBS show "do not" find Charlie's meltdown funny, entertaining or even sympathy-worthy.

"I don't even want to talk about it. I'm sick of the whole thing," adds another Men source.

So while the world may welcome Charlie Sheen to Twitter with open arms, don't forget that there are some people still really hurting behind the scenes.

Even though Sheen claims he won't stop until his crew gets paid for the rest of their unworked season, that isn't helping the hard workers sleep at night.

"That makes up for nothing," vents one of our sources.

Maybe it is time for fellow heavy-hitter like Jon Cryer to speak out? (Or where's Holland Taylor's razor-sharp wit when you really need it?)

It's not like Jon's going to be hurting in the cash-flow department, and true, this is Charlie's mess, not his, but it might be nice for crewmembers to know they have other actors on their side, too.

WATCH: Charlie Sheen's unconventional parenting methods