Bridget Moynahan Won't Talk Smack About Tom or Gisele--As for Kim Kardashian...

It has to be a little tough being Bridget Moynahan--but, class act that she is, she's intentionally never said a bad (public) word about Tom Brady and Gisele Bndchen.


It has to be a little tough being Bridget Moynahan--but, class act that she is, she's intentionally never said a bad ( public ) word about Tom Brady and Gisele Bndchen.

Though based on her cover interview with More magazine, that's clearly not a policy she's extended to other celebrities, seeing as she had no problem slamming the Kim Kardashians and Snookis of the world.

Oh, and Jennifer Aniston? She feels your pain, too...

MORE: Who was left out of Gisele's "perfect parenting" league?

But first, she sets the record straight on what exactly she has and hasn't said about her baby daddy ex and his supermodel wife.

"I never made a comment about Gisele or Tom publicly," she said. "I have a relationship with these people on a daily basis. I'm raising a child, and it's public. The media creates these dramas, and that's not what's happening in my life."

And if that sounds familiar, well, there's probably a reason for that.

"I keep thinking about poor Angelina and Jennifer and Brad, braided in together. It's possible they haven't run into each other in years. I don't think we're dragged around the media together."

Not anymore, anyway.

Which leads her to her next point--and, incidentally, to people who aren't so much dragged around the media and drag the media around with them: Kim Kardashian and Snooki.

"They're putting forward material that you're never going to live down," Moynahan said of the sex tapes, public arrests and reality shenanigans of the current fame ringleaders. "Really poor behavior is going on, but now it's considered OK. There's a lack of self-respect that I don't understand, and I find it kind of sad."

Kardashian, on the other hand, finds it kind of lucrative, which Moynahan at least doesn't begrudge her.

"Kim has made an incredible career out of whatever she did, and the same with Snooki. They are icons of this generation. That kind of fame--do you get satisfaction out of it long-term? Is it worth it? I don't know."

As for her own current situation, the Blue Bloods star is currently dating director McG (Charlie's Angel, Terminator Salvation) and certainly seems smitten.

"He's witty, he's smart, he's incredibly funny, he's got great taste, and he comes from a great family," she said. "He's the salt of the earth but also very successful in this crazy business that we're in."

And, most importantly, "He and Jack have a great relationship."

Jack, of course, being her son with Tom. Moynahan opened up a little bit more about her pregnancy, saying she only found out two months in.

"It was a complete surprise," she said. "I don't think any girl grows up dreaming of being a single mom."

As for Jack's birth, Moynahan said that Brady was present, but not particularly close by.

"He was not in the room. He was there on that day and came in afterward. He certainly wasn't holding my hand while I was pushing."

Still, for all their complications (media-produced and otherwise), Bridget said her priorities are well in order.

"My son has two loving parents in an extended family, whether it's cousins or stepmothers or boyfriends. My son is surrounded by love."

VIDEO: Speaking of Kim, check out how she celebrated the dirty 30!