Julianne Moore Is Modeling for...Talbots?!

File this one under odd couplings: Julianne Moore is the new face of womans clothing chain Talbots.


File this one under odd couplings: Julianne Moore is the new face of womans clothing chain Talbots.

This doesn't seem to make sense at first. The old-school brand caters to all-American classic, mature-lady types, while Julianne's style is superquirky and offbeat--have you seen her two-dresses-in-one dresses, fur sandals and overpuffed sleeves ?

So what's the deal?

PHOTOS: 2011 SAG Awards: Fashion Police!

Turns out Talbots is trying to change its staid image into something more youthful and exciting. Company CCO Michael Smaldone told People, "[Julianne] exemplifies everything we want as the face of the brand," and that she fits perfectly with their "tradition transformed" platform.

And according to Smaldone, Moore gushed, "If this is the new Talbots, then count me in!"

So check out the spring/summer 2011 campaign ads--in which the Kids Are All Right star poses in classic white blouses, black pants and a denim dress in a lush garden--and tell us what you think.

Was this collaboration a good idea, or are you not buyin' it?

VIDEO: Watch Joan &Co. Skewer the Stars' SAGs Style!