Justin Bieber + Selena Gomez = Justlena? Or Gober?

So what do you think of JUSTLENA? --Bindira, via the inbox


So what do you think of JUSTLENA? --Bindira, via the inbox

You speak of a newly minted and paparazzi friendly couple consisting, reportedly, of Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez.

So let's determine their new, convenient media nickname once and for all, shall we?

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Precedent dictates that we take the first part of the guy's name and the second part of the girl's--hence Robsten, or the erstwhile Gyllenspoon--or vice versa. So, as much as I like, say, SeBeeb, it doens't fit the protocol.

Instead, we're left with, say:

Justena Biebez Bobbleheads Who Love Each Other Gober

Or do you have a better idea? I'm sure you do.

Followers of our @BieberDish Twitter had a different fave. Find out in my latest podcast! in my latest podcast!

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