Angelina Jolie Gets Out of Dodge, er, Bosnia

Don't hold your breath for any photo ops of Angelina Jolie and her kids taking in the sites in Sarajevo. The Oscar winner has abruptly scrapped shooting in Bosnia, just a month after a kerfuffle between her and locals over the plot of her directing debut.


Don't hold your breath for any photo ops of Angelina Jolie and her kids taking in the sites in Sarajevo. The Oscar winner has abruptly scrapped shooting in Bosnia, just a month after a kerfuffle between her and locals over the plot of her directing debut.

Here's what went down.

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A camera crew shooting scenes for Jolie's untitled film pulled the plug on filming an exterior shoot at a former military barracks in Sarajevo Wednesday, two days before it was due to be completed.

"The American producers have decided that scenes at 12 locations planned in Sarajevo should be shot in Budapest after the permit had been canceled and then reinstated," one of the film's producers, Ednin Sarkic, told Reuters.

But it's a bit more complicated than that.

Last month, a Bosnian minister made the decision to cancel the film permit, claiming the production failed to present the proper paperwork, only to then reinstate it.

That same minister was actually responding to protests from female victims of the Bosnian War, who were said to be unhappy with the movie's plot.

The untitled flick chronicles the love affair between a Serbian man and a Bosnian Muslim woman during the bloody 1992-95 and the Women Victims of War was upset over a storyline that supposedly involving a rape victim falling in love with her soldier rapist. While the rumor turned out to be false, the victims ended up successfully lobbying city officials to withdraw the permit temporarily.

But the controversy was enough for Jolie to decide to reduce the time the production spent in the country.

Jolie, who hadn't participated in any of the Bosnian filming, still plans to return to Sarajevo and meet with the women's group to clear up any issues.

See, she really is all about the goodwill.

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